This woman made an alarm clock that slaps her in the face

Wow did that keep you up? I started on like 100mg of metoprolol (for PVCs) and all I wanted to do was sleep around the clock. I’m down to 25 now and that seems to be the best compromise. Sometimes I feel like every medication makes me sleepy.

Well not so much feeling awake (other than right after I took it) as much as waking up every hour and having while not nightmares pretty wild dreams that were the kind to make you wake up, and plain just not sleepy even though I felt pretty beat.

To be fair, I reacted a little weirdly to the magnesium sulfate, which was to stop me from seizing, and not so much for the high blood pressure.


Other than the usual I think I will just sit here on the throne for awhile, pass me a book please?

ETA mag sufate/epsom salt, is the active ingredient in Ex-Lax for those who don’t know.


Sure, next to me I have E for Echidna, Touch and Sparkle Baby Animals and Baby Colours, which one do you want?

(I’m assuming I’ll get warned for being off topic any minute now.)


haven’t we said all there really is to say about waking up by being hit in the face already anyway?


Maybe we should have a thread to complain about our weird medical problems, like the grumpy old farts we are. :laughing:


Great idea

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