Originally published at: Tina Turner is now a Barbie doll | Boing Boing
I want one.
So do I.
Christmas is right around the corner. Tell Santa…
Fact fact; if you write to Santa at the North Pole, someone will mail you a letter back in reply.
Wait, what? That came out in '84 . From what I just read (edit: on Wikipedia), it might’ve been written 40 (or more) years ago but I don’t guess thats what was meant.
(just trying to not make myself any older than I already am)
80’s were a crazy time for electronic keyboard work. It sounds like they borrowed Yanni to do the keyboards on that track. Evidence:
Tina Turner is awesome and this is definitively a great tribute to her.
This is simply the best. I’d even go so far as to say it’s better than the all rest.
What has love got to do with it, anyway?
Maybe we don’t need another hero, but I’ll take her.
This is sad news. Tina Turner made wonderful music. I hope people are working on lifting whatever weird curse this is and restoring her to humanity.
This signature doll is really very successful, the hair does seem particularly well done, facial features too are a notable likeness. Bravo.
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