Today's "lone wolf" killers are actually a pack

It’s also a cornerstone of their rejecting feminism in toto. For all of its baggage, femininity is an important part of how many people see themselves. Accepting it as an alternative is an essential part of reducing the more toxic aspects of masculinity.

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Yeah, I’m aware that some people do, and if you’re one of them then you have my sincere thanks.
My point was only that it’s not by any means a common theme in the discourse, probably for precisely the reasons you specify, and that I think the lack of it is both lamentable and often unremarked.


Pretty well said, i consider myself mostly a straight male but realistically i don’t identify with the typical straight male image. I like cute things, i love toys and figures, i’m very playful, a bit emotional, etc.and it’s made it hard to relate with typical guys and makes me anxious or feel inadequate when talking to women. I’ve been told before that people thought i was gay, which honestly i take more as a complement than anything but it’s still not representative of who i am. It’s taken a long time to come to terms on who i am but i still struggle with feeling inadequate because i see myself as atypical.


As far as I know it’s the opposite. I’ve seen laments about how hard it is to be a brony and a conservative at the same time. I’m not super familiar with the groups, but from what I’ve seen at the edges it seems to attract a pretty progressive crowd. It would make sense given that the cartoon was theoretically aimed at preteen girls.

Also, “dark enlightenment” is some kind of nonsense.


True, but unfortunately it exists as an idea


“ ought to be easily and widely recognized as inherently superior to every other group.“

Well, I guess it sucksto be you? If you were really so superior- you’d have a date on Saturday night.


Quite unrelated, but this reminded me of a thing I saw once on country dancing. They were talking to a 13-year-old boy who had been doing country dancing shows since he was four or five and he said, “Some guys say it’s gay. But I’m dancing with a girl, and they playing on their cellphones.”

We sure spend a lot of time putting down people to avoid thinking they are better than us.


I suppose there could be an almost-literal “lone wolf” living in feral isolation in the woods since early childhood, but otherwise this reasoning seems to imply that a “lone wolf” of any persuasion cannot exist.

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Pretty much.


Reminds me of an anecdote I once heard:

When I was in highschool, I joined the cheerleading squad. When my father found out, he hit the roof! “No son of mine is gonna be a cheerleader,” he said. “People’ll think you’re a faggot!” So he dragged me into school, and had the office switch me over to the football squad. So instead of spending my time hanging around with girls in short skirts and lifting them into the air, I got to spend it grappling with sweaty boys and eyeing them up in the showers. Needless to say, I turned out to be gay. Thanks Dad!


My understanding is that when a lone wolf attacks the rest of the pack isn’t attacking. There is plenty of evidence that this isn’t the case with the new generation of far right arseholes.


As best I can tell Mindysan is right. This is the closest I’ve got to an actual document:

page 23 has what appears to be the (or at least a) relevant memo.

I’m not going to wade through the FBI’s morass of documents here:

ETA: But they are worth looking through! Just not catalogued in any meaningful way.




Your googlefu is strong! Thanks!


Not today that I’m having spectacular luck in that arena - but at least I avoid the “manly” whining & don’t try to convince people that the solution to their being rape risks is threatening to rape. Which - congratulations boys - is already sexual assault.

They could at least aspire to as low a bar as I have. :grin:


I think this figures into the situation wherein there is the culture that has the expectations that you are going to have one, maybe two children, a house and all the things associated with the “American Dream” and the social pressure and sense of belonging contributes to a situation, that narrative of which ends up being “I am the forgotten and I lost my job to overseas development thus I am prevented from being an adult” I am asked all the time about when I am going to get married, have children, etc, from people around me that place an especial emphasis on what they consider social norms, and if I cared at all about others’ sense of maintaining this identity, I could see this creating a sense of despondency.


Actually this is a very fine point. I was involved in a discussion on that other topic about “Tinder Closers” with a fellow who maintained that women place a great deal of importance on a man’s ability to financially maintain a home.
Now, he may be right or he may be wrong about what portion of women find that so important, but I think it’s a common perception of women, and when you’re dealing with a generation of men who are in the majority worse off financially than their parents were, that expectation (whether it’s had of them by others or whether it’s an expectation they have of themselves) is a bit of a millstone.


to be fair, someone else described a group of misanthropes with this name, which they appear to have taken and run with, to the extent they leave the house.

I don’t think we need a new name for violent misogynists, so I’m just going to keep calling them all violent misogynists.

They are remarkably alike. Maybe there is a factory?

q: How many pathological narcissists does it take to change a lightbulb?
a: one, to hold the bulb while the world revolves around him

You want those folks to ‘out’ pathological narcissism just because? Not a strong plan, asking the fox to double the guard on the henhouse.


From the Farscape episode “Crackers Don’t Matter”


Wow, congratulations on not going on a murdering spree! It’s hard, eh?

Could someone please just say, “Guys, we’ve all been there. It sucks. Don’t kill people.