Originally published at: Tom Comitta brings sole voice of reason to "This is Fine" Death Valley tourists | Boing Boing
Back in 1992 my high school chemistry teacher told us about how he went to Death Valley and, while he and his family hiked that day, he made beef jerky on (or in?) his parked car, because it was that hot.
We thought that was cool, but wacko.
And now people are flocking there to essentially make beef jerky out of themselves.
We are in the stupidest timeline.
He’s really highlighting the tendency of some humans to go into a kind of giddy death cult mentality when faced with existential crisis. That’s what’s going on with these thrill-seeking disaster tourists, whether they know it or not.
You could just take a job in a foundry. Or work in a pizza joint in august. You intrepid adventurers, you.
I spent a week in 100+ temps last year. I was completely miserable. These “heat tourists” make no sense to me. Were we a less protective group, I’m betting these would be the people saying “nice doggy” to the rabid wolf outside the cave.
I wouldn’t be surprised to see it this year.
They should just wait and experience those conditions at home, only more humid.
I used to live in Yuma, AZ. I remember the news story one year of three college students who took a drive between classes, just outside of town. The car broke down. They had water. One died trying to walk back for help, another died going after her. One barely made it out alive by lying under the car. Elapsed time was just a few hours.
It was just 118 that day.
Intellectuals gonna intellectualate. Whether shitheads listen and learn remains to be seen.
Not just Death Valley tourists!
80°C = 176°F
For my primarily American friends.
I almost convinced that this temp was a mistranslation, except y’know Armageddon and all.
… surface temperature ≠ air temperature
And every one of these doofuses is driving there with their AC on full blast, leaving the car running while they “experience the extremes”, completely clueless of the hell that they themselves are helping to bring to all of humanity in the very near future.
80 °C is a proper sauna temperature. I very much doubt that temperature, myself.
I hear that repeatedly striking oneself in a masochistic frenzy with prepared birch branches makes one forget the heat.
Grinning dinosaurs posing with the comet
Or more precisely (and i hope not pedantically), with an instrument that indicates how very bloody close the comet is to obliterating them.
Oh, and here’s a chance to share a favorite song. (What a solo! )