Tools, ads, and bad defaults: Web bloat continues unabated

Does that work for people that want more restrictive copyright, like CC-share-music or ‘all rights reserved’? I don’t want to GPL my music.

The licenses I assume you’re asking about (since you aren’t being clear) are for the software in question, not for blog content. You can always determine what license, if any, you publish your own work under. It isn’t like Wordpress, which is open source, requires your blog to be open source. Jekyll doesn’t either though if you want people to not see your directory contents in your github repository, you need a paid account.

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Then get to work helping make PHP more secure. I read that something like 25% of sites on the Internet (!) are running Wordpress nowadays, so short of a conversion project to port the CMS— and its plugins— to Python or something, our best option is to fix what’s in front of us.


Actually, I’m part of a project paying for security audits on core code of the Internet. PHP was considered, I believe, but it is so badly designed that there really is no hope for it. People should just move to (somewhat) more secure frameworks, like django for Python, rather than try to fix something fundamentally broken.

PHP is like an undergrad project that metastasized as an Internet cancer.

In other words, yes, you should port to Python.


Oooo…kay, I admit I wasn’t expecting that. Which of us do you want to break it to the WP core team?

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There is no way that they don’t know but it is a labor of love and Automatic makes a shitload of money off of Wordpress.

Obviously, this is all, like, my opinion man and there are PHP people who would say I’m full of shit here too. :slight_smile:


It’s been a long time since I’ve had a dog in the fight. last thing I wrote with PHP was… Damn close to ten years ago now. And all it really was, was a menu system. I had been developing with just plain old HTML and CSS, and got tired of cutting and pasting the code for the whole menu, and I didn’t feel like using JavaScript for it, so I just wrote a PHP variable that included the menu, and referenced that variable in every page. It’s super nifty like that turning a few hundred characters into ten, but there’s really no moving parts beyond reusing a piece of HTML by making it easier to just drop into the page.

Can’t say I ever actually learned how to code in PHP, and haven’t used it often.


For a browser supposedly terrible for security reasons, I’ve noticed it tends to work pretty well overall. Meh. I prefer Safari. I find most of the complaints about it are overblown or just irrelevant. (But, then, I really loathe Firefox. Chrome is just sort there. Opera is, too. Mostly, they all sort of work. Even Firefox, which is just sort of loathsome.)

I mostly use Twitter to follow scientists and other artists, and they occasionally mention what they have for lunch. But mostly I just ignore that.

I probably should get knowed up on that. I sometimes feel like Drupal is annoying overkill, but I don’t have a lot of time for much else, and it works once you get past a certain threshold in the learning curve. Seems like the meta-stuff for tooling the internet should be a lot easier, but mostly, it’s just a pain. All of it.

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An excellent tool I’ve been using in that regard with ImageOptim which “optimizes compression parameters, removes junk metadata and unnecessary color profiles”, generally squeezing the file 10-20%. Open source and free, for OS X. When preparing a blog post or pulling local images for use on the web, the application will optimize the image in ~.5 second or less, and can do bulk processing if needed. Simple and effective little program.

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I like it because it works hand in hand with my ipad. Though, browsing on the ipad these days is much more painful than it used to be.

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HFS, Drupal as “annoying overkill” is an understatement vast in its proportions. Can it do what [folks] need it to do? Why sure. Just code up that [thing] [folks] need it to do, and it’ll be great!

Working with Drupal made me learn content versioning and MYSQL to some degree, so respect where it’s due. Other than that, when I didn’t need to work with it anymore, I dropped Drupal faster than Ben Carson’s campaign staff.


"These comically huge homepages for projects designed to make the web
faster are the equivalent of watching a fitness video where the
presenter is just standing there, eating pizza and cookies. "


I have to admit, I don’t use the iPad much for much browsing (apart from testing my sites)—I leave that to the desktop/iPhone. Which, I’m noticing, now that there are so many sizes, tends to change the way sites look in irritating ways. (Are we good yet with the choices in phone and tablet sizes currently being offered? Because this flexible layout stuff is just aggravating.)

Yeah, that does annoy me, because I don’t code (apart from CSS/HTML, which hardly qualifies), that doesn’t much help.

(To be fair, there is a great deal of functionality in the form of modules, and I think we’re using it pretty well. But maybe I should look into different CMSs anyway.)

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I guess it depends on what you’re wanting to get out of it. If anything, Drupal’s ecosystem is wide and deep–it’s just that damned learning curve of figuring out the system functions and tailoring them to meet your needs. Spending the time to learn Drupal can certainly pay off in the long term for the reasons you already know, and knowing Drupal is a leg up on learning other CMS systems (at least in the general sense). That said, there are more than enough CMS systems that are easily configured and maintained (WP, Django, Konkrete(?)), so finding one to fit your particular bill is a lot easier than it used to be.

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