Originally published at: Top NYT headlines from 50 years ago today | Boing Boing
Whenever I look at old magazines or newspapers, one of the neatest things is actually looking at the advertisements, which can be pretty informative about a time and place…
2021-1961= 60 not 50. Other than that, great article…
I was gonna say…
I would have known if Babes in Toyland had premiered when I was 5 years old.
For a moment I thought I was much younger than I thought, but then I realized it was a math thing and now I feel old again.
– 1961 sets record in cigarette use — Americans smoked more than ever, and the US manufactured cigarettes to keep up. Including exports, the US produced 528 billion cigarettes!
Yep, got Dear Ole Dad [lifelong smoker] that year I was born, fighting off T.B. and smoking is bad for your health folks.
Follow me for more health tips.
In the 1960ies, smoking was good for you!
Heck, back then asbestos and radiation were good for you!
And don’t forget those pesky seatbelts weren’t a thing yet.
To be fair, doing date-based math like that is a lot easier when one’s age is greater than the interval in question.
If you wore a Maidenform bra, you wouldn’t need a seatbelt! Or a kevlar vest!
To also be fair, I had just seen a Facebook post saying “When I think about something that happened 30 years ago I think 1970 not 1990.”
I know I’m not the only one that hears “1990” and thinks it was just 20 years ago. Somehow I keep missing an entire decade there!
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