Tourist returns artifacts she swiped at Pompeii in hopes of lifting "curse"

I actually thought he was joking at first, but he was completely serious. He assured me they were nice spirits so I guess we’re all good.

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You’re so right! Theft for everyone!

No need, the artifacts are cursed with ecto-toxins

Hawaii’s Big Island gets a steady supply of rocks from tourists claiming they’ve been cursed by the goddess Pele:


Mine brought me nothing but good fortune. Or wait, maybe I’d already be king with without them :thinking:

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Eeek. Someone sent me volcanic rocks from Tenerife. I hope they don’t have a curse!

Spread the cursing around to dilute it. Walk down a street saying “Damn you! Damn you!” to all you encounter. What, you’d rather go wholesale than retail? Cast a general curse over the town’s water supply, a cable network, or Texas. Unless you possess super-cursing powers, it’ll all be a bit thin and so won’t do too much damage.

Meanwhile, I stole nothing when I visited Pompeii and so am not cursed, at least not that way. But common items in area gift shops were obscene dolls of priests and nuns flipping their robes up to ‘flash’ viewers. Not a blessing in disguise, I fear.

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