Book about the "bad luck" incurred taking souvenir rocks from National Parks

Originally published at: Book about the "bad luck" incurred taking souvenir rocks from National Parks | Boing Boing

“Bad Luck, Hot Rocks, Conscience Letters from the Petrified Forest,” by Ryan Thompson & Phil Orr

Phil Ore would have been funnier.


The USGS gets a steady supply of rocks from people claiming to have been bedevilled by bad luck since they took rocks from Hawaii’s Volcano National Park. It never pays to get on the bad side of Madame Pele.

Speaking of volcanic rocks - it is illegal to remove rocks from many places in Iceland, most notably the beautiful glassy black pebbles of Djúpalónssandur.

Not sure if it is related, but folklore in the country says there are stones that bring good luck and those that bring bad luck - but most of us can never tell the difference. So don’t risk upsetting the Huldufólk by messing with any rocks in Iceland.

And also new tourists to Iceland - please stop piling stones everywhere for the 'gram as it ends up damaging the fragile grass and moss cover. And that goes double for altering the cairns found around Iceland which mark old, safe paths through the wilderness.


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