Transform your home office with this dual-use aquaponic or hydroponic water garden that's on sale

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I will definitely get fired for a hydroponic grow setup in my office.


So they made it opaque and you cannot see the fish?
Unless there is some magic photoshopping this appears to be a window sill sized thing. It is decorative. It is not a modest sized grow a bunch of tilapia and associated vegetables type thing.

Example of decorative set up:

dual-use aquaponic or hydroponic

this is perfect for people who can’t decide if they’re more interested in pisciculture or ichthyology.

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Neat video! Is there an instructable somewhere on how to build something like this?

That YouTube channel has the whole lifespan of that tank with build etc. I find it much more an enjoyable to watch type channel but the information is in there. However videos of that tank are interspersed with his others.

I had a list going of more instruction oriented videos but I am not sure where I stored it. It can be a fun rabbit hole to go down. Just make sure when you show your significant other and they say “No” that you listen.

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