Transgender Awareness - Positive News and Stories

Um… I think I need skin.


The lovely Dr Emmy Zje set up a fashion show on Twitter. Join the empowering fun with #TransInFashion


This is likely good advice for ALL of us, but especially for people who might be misgendered after they die by asshole relatives.

[ETA] Here is the Order of the Good Death page to go with it… I know it’s linked in the description, but thought I’d add it here, too.



During the COVID-19 pandemic, Dr. Rachel Levine has been a calm voice of reassurance. Her leadership as Secretary of Health of Pennsylvania has been informative and she’s helped Pennsylvanians keep their facts straight during a time of uncertainty.

Will you join us in thanking Dr. Levine for her leadership?

As one of the very few transgender public officials in the United States, Dr. Levine has also been a trailblazer and an inspiration to the LGBT+ community here in Pennsylvania.

As all of us weather the next several days and weeks during the coronavirus pandemic, we owe it to Dr. Levine to thank her for her steady hand.

In Solidarity,

Liberty City LGBT+ Democratic Club

P.S.: Did you catch our Facebook Livestream with UPenn’s Dr. Jake Natalini answering questions about coronavirus? Catch the recording by clicking here .
Copyright © 2020 Liberty City LGBT+ Democratic Club, All rights reserved.

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For me at least, this was a master class in how to understand the language of referring to people in your life who have transitioned. This is Brandon Jenner, in an article about growing up with a famous parent:

My father spent the first 65 years of her life trying to avoid answering the question “How are you doing?” And because of that, she didn’t ask it often, either. And, though, I understand that she avoided the question because the answer would have laid bare too many struggles, it made my relationship with her challenging. People connect with each other through vulnerability, and you can only get someone to open up to you if you are willing to be vulnerable yourself. Because she was shielding something so important from herself, Dad remained distant for much of my life.

I don’t have many memories from before my parents split up and my father moved out. I was four at the time. They got divorced because my dad had decided to start transitioning to female. I, of course, was too young then to have any idea what was behind their decision.

I do, however, remember a few details from my early childhood that only made sense much later. For instance, when I was very young, I used to love to fiddle with people’s ears. Once when I reached out to touch my dad’s ears, he said: “Don’t do that. I just had surgery.” He pointed to a thin line of small black stitches behind his ear, grinned, and said: “They took my ear off, peeled my face back, and then stitched it back on.”

For the first few years after their divorce, my parents were amicable. Mom started dating David Foster, whom she later married. I never called him dad, but he was the one who lived with us, who told me to pick up my clothes and turn off the lights – all the typical dad things. So even though this is about Caitlyn, I could write just as easily about David. He was a wonderful father figure.

A few years after my parents divorced, Dad apparently decided that it wasn’t the right time to transition and had many of his surgeries reversed. After that, his relationship with my mother grew more hostile. She had worked hard to accept that the reason he couldn’t be with her was because he was working towards transitioning. When he started dating Kris Jenner, whom he would go on to marry, that line of reasoning fell apart. It was tremendously painful. The effect of my parents’ souring relationship was that I didn’t see my father more than half a dozen times between ages eight and 25.

Because of this, most of the memories I have of my dad are from the narrow slice of time before I was eight. I remember him betting my brother Brody and me $20 that he could beat us to the top of these insanely high giant sand dunes in Malibu and then just smoking us. He ran a flat-out decathlete sprint. He didn’t even pretend to let us win.

After Dad met and married Kris, family became a business for him, and I stayed away for most of my teenage years. I didn’t want to be a part of their dynamic. When I was in my 20s and his daughters with Kris – Kendall and Kylie – were teenagers, Dad and I began to re-establish a relationship. He wasn’t as needed around the house and, I think, was looking for someone to talk to. Although, to be honest, instead of talking, we did things. We worked on my car or flew radio-controlled planes in the park near his house. But even then, it always seemed Dad had his guard up.

Once he decided to go through with the transition, I was the first of her children she confided in. As soon as Dad said it herself, I was so happy for her.

As her son, I wish my dad had been able to transition sooner, not only because I think she would have been happier, but because I think we could have built a stronger relationship earlier. Now, I’m making up for lost time. I speak to my dad almost every day, and every time, she asks me, “How are you doing?”



I’m using a singular they right now!


From the Inquirer:

Pa. to collect data on sexual orientation, gender identity of COVID-19 patients

Pennsylvania will begin collecting data on the sexual orientation and gender identity of coronavirus patients, state health officials said Wednesday.

The announcement came as a handful of national advocacy groups have released reports showing members of the LGBTQ community may be more susceptible to complications associated with COVID-19. Studies show the population is more likely to be smokers, more likely to have underlying medical conditions, and has greater rates of being uninsured.

Many states, including Pennsylvania, have reported some demographic information about coronavirus patients including race and gender, but have not broken down cases by sexual orientation or gender identity. Bills have been introduced in multiple states, including New Jersey,requiring state officials to collect such information.

The move by Pennsylvania to begin collecting this data was recommended by the governor’s Health Disparity Task Force, chaired by Lt. Gov. John Fetterman, which convened in April to study how the virus has spread in and impacted vulnerable populations.

— Anna Orso


Free online screening of movies as part of ‘Queer’ Asia 2020, including movies about and by trans people.


Hey, WV, good on you!!



God damn!!!


That is beautiful to see.


I teared up.


That is wonderful, amazing and beautiful.