Tree grows 40 types of fruit

@beschizza Yeah dude… this render is a freaking abomination! I can’t tell if this is a fruiting tree, or merely flowering but you should seriously use this one instead:

Or this one that shows a citrus tree:

More than a decade ago I saw these things for sale at Sydney’s Royal Easter Show - an agricultural fair that is held every year. IIRC the most they had on one tree was 7. It is one of the few purchases in my life I regret not making. By now I’d have had a shedload of 7 types of fruit. Sadly at the time the $100+ price tag meant I could buy one tree and have no money for the rest of the show or not buy it.

My understanding is that you can only easily graft trees of a similar variety - which is why these guys used all stone fruits. The store I saw at that show was selling stone fruit and citrus varieties.

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I was at this TEDx talk. The tree in question is an artwork, in his words it “interrupts the everyday”. Get over the aesthetics of the image, take 5:17 and listen to what he says.

He single-handedly rescued an orchard in upstate NY that was one of the last sources of native, heirloom, antique and hybrid stone fruit varieties, going back to the 1800s. He maintains stock and is researching and conserving as a way of pushing back at the commercial monoculture that has evolved by market forces.


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