Originally published at: Tropical Storm Hilary visits Disneyland | Boing Boing
Hope everyone is safe who is in the path of this hurricane!
Such a shame that Biden let it in! /s
The worst of it seemed to be at about the 20:45 mark, I think? But I’m not even sure if these conditions would even be considered to be a “storm” in most parts of the country. Just some decent rainfall and not much wind to speak of. The park stayed open until 10pm.
Storm Hilary, eh? What about her eHails?
Compared to my life on the Marin coast this was a day ending in Y.
The Florida parks, on the other hand, occasionally do experience some notable atmospheric phenomena.
While I haven’t been to the California one in ~35 years, we’ve been to the Florida one many times in the past decade so have seen plenty of rainy times/days. One time a few years back it rained literally every day we had at Disney, with the two days we spent at Universal being both rain-free and ungodly hot, but, also, quite fun.
The parks are built to be open 365/7 so they understand rain will come. Most rides/events have a plan on how to work in rain and only close when you get lightning or super strong rain. Our most recent Disney trip cost us the final hour of planned Animal Kingdom time due to a massive hours-long downpour that left about 2 inches of standing water everywhere and forced them to close but up until then almost everything was still running.
Oh, the Hilarity.
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