Trump and his allies plan to make him a dictator, reports NY Times

I think it is safe to say this is a statement no ally of mine would make. We have an openly fascist party, bent on dehumanizing and othering anyone not staight, white, cis, wealthy men, and we have a center-right party which will actually defend the rights of people other than straight, white, cis, wealthy men. Opting out, in the face of no viable alternative, is consigning these folks, folks we cannot and should not (and i will not) to the whims of the fascist extreme right. What is to be gained by opting out? Preserving some sense of righteousness for not supporting the centrist Dems? Too high a cost by far. IMHO, the “lesser of two evils is still evil” argument holds no water outside of some fantasy, ldyllic world which we certainly do not have. It is truly a binary choice right now. We either support the fascists or we oppose them. And refusing to oppose them, because ithe other party is somehow impure, is supporting them. Don’t kid yourself, war is bloody, messy, dangerous and full of compromises. And we are at war. Not because we wanted to be, but because we must be. As i have said before, the alternative is unthinkable. To my brothers and sisters in this war, all i can say is
