God forbid your “military service” doesn’t involve being out on the front lines of the battlefield killing people, right?
As I mentioned in the other thread, this is exactly the kind of shit they tried to pull to keep out women and gays. It’s all bullshit.
What gender you present as or the genitals with which you prefer to make intimate contact shouldn’t affect your ability to serve in the armed forces in any capacity.
… they say as they gradually come down with PTSD as their life-readiness is lessened.
If they actually stopped to think, they’d realize that combat troops’ performance and effectiveness are made to be “Perfect Killing Machines” via expensive high-tech they’re issued because these troops are – without all the tech – Not Perfect. (And just stick around to see what DARPA has in mind for soldier ‘upgrades’. A 90 pound weakling could make an effective soldier.)
HuffPo posted a few things that cost more than health care for transgender troops and one of them stuck out:
Erectile dysfunction medication
In 2014, the Defense Department spent $41.6 million on Viagra and $84.24 million in total on erectile dysfunction medication. From 2011 until 2015, the Defense Department spent $294 million on erectile dysfunction drugs, according to the Military Times.
So, why the hell are we the taxpayers paying for our troop’s hard-ons? There is your fucking wall el douche. We shouldn’t fight wars with hard dicks flopping around on the battlefield now should we?
Sure, that’s the filthy empirical math; but everyone who can compute with their gut knows that things one has an aversion to are more costly than hollow elitist numbers make them appear, and things one approves of are more affordable than their sticker price would suggest.
I was going to post something like this. I bet if these same asshats were asked about hormone treatments under the umbrella of some “black ops super soldier” intiative, many of them would be all for it!
I’d wager this is what neoconservatives refer to as a “dead rat”. If you don’t like the topic of conversation, throw a dead rat on the table. Now, everyone’s talking about the dead rat.
That might be what Trump’s thinking, but I think he’ll discover pretty quickly that people are capable of discussing his latest bigoted dead rat incident as well as his corruption and crappy leadership. Throwing dead rats out there just makes him look worse and worse.