Trump calls election a fraud, then adds that he won it

3 posts were split to a new topic: Coins :moneybag:!

OK fine, 25. It might as well be 75. Doesn’t make much difference, because a lot can happen in even 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 10 years. In other words, things can get a lot worse faster than they can improve. Improvements take a concerted effort. Devolvement can happen for lots of reasons, but the lowest energy option of pure inattentiveness is usually the winner.


I know this all sucks (yes, those of us who LIVE here are well aware of that fact) but can we not get off-topic please?


I was thinking that last night when I realized that Kansas was the blue-est it’s ever been (that I’m aware of) and yet that meant nothing for the 6 electoral votes involved. I would feel my vote actually counted if it’d been a 4/2 split instead.



spending today obsessively watching and waiting for vote totals, and working on my “COUNT ALL THE VOTES” banner for the seemingly inevitable protest.



Indeed. Even if Biden wins, I’m stunned. I just can’t believe we cannot wake up from this nightmare. We don’t even win the Senate: so McConnell will slow-walk (or stop) all judge appointments for another 4 years, storing them up for Trump II. If a SCOTUS justice dies at any time during Biden’s term, whats to stop him from not allowing any new SCOTUS judge? Nothing!

These people look at that thing and say, “Yeah, he’s done a good job, I want him working for me for another 4 years.” It almost makes me wish I were one of the pod people. At least then, I would know the other side was demonic and feel so comfortable in my sanctimony.


I would argue that it’s all “White people.” White isn’t a nationality or biologically identifiable quality. It’s a group that exists only to define privilege and dominance. I’d like to see an end to “whiteness” altogether. I don’t think things are going to get better until we address that. We can just be people. We don’t have to be White anymore. I think it’s possible if extremely difficult to get there.


“It’s the only way to be sure.”


I think the “swing” states only swing because a) they are among the more populated states, and b) the urban/rural populations in those states are closely balanced. States like NY, and CA are big, but the bulk population is very concentrated into urban areas, so mostly democrat, and not swinging. States like TX are big, but [still] mostly rural and suburbs so republican (although that seems to be changing). States like WY, nobody really lives there so nobody gives a fuck. States like MI, OH, FL, PA, a pretty even split between urban and rural/suburbs, so they swing.


The guy is getting more and more paranoid as time goes by. His schemes to thwart all legitimate voting and remain an incompetent, impeached, orange president, is plainly obvious to anyone with half a brain and yet his followers and supporters keep…er… following and supporting. Time he went, instead of dragging America down to the ground.


IIRC we came close, again, in 2004 but Kerry conceded. (And that it was about Ohio.)

Back in high school civics class, our teacher explained that the EC was there as a bulwark against some harmful figure that might have gained the popular vote. But here we are. (For what any of that’s worth. Though in hindsight I am 100% certain the teacher would have voted for Trump. [ETA: Twice.])

Was saving (or, hopefully, not) this for later in the week. Anyway…


Yes, obviously. They did once (or remember their antecedents who did) and would like to again.


No. They want the United States to become a white ethnostate (but only certain kinds of white people), and anybody else should leave either by choice or force (alive or dead negotiable).


Any argument in favor of the Electoral College should apply equally well to electing a state governor. Yet nobody elects their governors that way, because voters intuitively understand that “voters who live in certain counties count more than voters who live in other counties” would be an inherently unfair and undemocratic way to appoint an executive.


“Deeply irresponsible” doesn’t even begin to cover it. The fanatic colossal orange ass wipe is completely out of control.


Funny enough, this is exactly how Mississippi worked until (checks notes) yesterday’s vote finally repealed that.\,\_Remove_Electoral_Vote_Requirement_and_Establish_Runoffs_for_Gubernatorial_and_State_Office_Elections_Amendment_(2020)


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              PREVIOUSLY                                                     NOW

You know Trump is panicking because his flag density has never been so high.
Or, and I never considered this before: perhaps all these flags are huddled together in collective fear?


No, they do. Without an ‘underclass’ to look (and punch) down on, they are nothing.