Trump made history: introducing tax cuts made him LESS popular

As usual Trump doesn’t listen to anybody but himself and doesn’t know what the fuck he’s doing nor is he willing to learn. So it’s just one shit sandwich after another unless you’re already rich or your currency is the schadenfreude toward those triggered snowflakes.


Don’t forget to give him credit for two Supreme Court justices. His role in which was… saying two names out loud.


On NPR this morning: Steve Inskeep had a very interesting radio interview with Univision reporter, Jorge Ramos. The subject was Ramos’ 17 minute interview of Venezuelan President Maduro. While Ramos tried to show Maduro ipad images of Venezuelan children eating from garbage cans, Maduro refused to look at them. That’s when Ramos told Maduro that refusal to answer questions was something that a dictator would do… and “not a Democrat”. That’s when Maduro cut the interview short and had Ramos’ and crew’s equipment seized. (Short of seizing equipment, tRump came to mind.)


My taxes definitely went down, but I also got a smaller refund. My employer changed the withholdings based on my W4. I made no changes to it. So I got about a $75 increase on my paycheck every two weeks. My total tax was about $1500 less for 2018. I suspect, and it’s been reported, that this happened for a lot of people, and they were not happy because they depend on that refund and had no idea the withholdings were changed in their paychecks. I had no idea until I did my taxes. I’m not saying taxes went down for everyone but this was a very common situation for a lot of folks who mistakenly think they went up.


It’s pretty amazing, really. And as people have pointed out, the only presidents who had approval ratings as low as his had them during economic downturns (and their ratings went up with the economy). Except this is supposed to be the “good” economy. It’s certainly not going to get any better - his policies aren’t going to improve things. So his approval can only go down, really.

Or that he actually even reads (or understands) the policies he takes credit for?


He doesn’t understand anything. Literally anything. At all.


This is true. But I suspect, with these policies he’s taking credit for, he doesn’t even have the vaguest notion of what they consist of, because he made zero effort to do so - he also doesn’t read, at all, nor did he even have someone explain it to him (no attention span*), because ultimately he doesn’t really care. If he doesn’t know/care about, or understand the things he’s directly taking credit for, you know he doesn’t know/care about, or understand anything else, either.

(Then, of course, there’s the issue where he’s given correct information and just dismisses it out of hand for no particular reason. So information get deflected, not learned, much less understood.)

*Reportedly he doesn’t even have the attention span for more than three spoken sentences. I’m not kidding. That’s apparently the target length for verbal briefings.


Here’s the current version, including how it was calculated:


Well, great, I suppose. Trust in Trump to always do what Trump always does. He’s the emperor of squander, above all else.


comeon! he’s huge. shoots with his gut. what briefings? facts, figures, elitist. fake news! who cares? who needs them. common sense! hello?

also. covfefe.


This is the basic concept behind the Giant Pool of Money which predicated the housing bubble in 2007-2008.

This didn’t happen to me this year. We usually give a ton of money to charity every year and it ends up being our largest deduction so we still ended up itemizing instead of taking the new increased standard deduction.


Please don’t think that I merely despise Trump if I point out that he’s a coward, a weakling, and a fool. I base this opinion on a wealth of objective evidence, including the observations of this article.


Hmm, seems like there’s a word for a decision made without any knowledge of any information, systems, processes, etc. under consideration. Random - that’s the word.
Now I understand how his casino failed - Trump misunderstood where the random element was supposed to come in.


Adults, actually.

Also note the dude walking past in the background who appears to be carrying full shopping bags (0:50).

I’m sorry: why do we care about a fantastical alternate reality where Trump actually has a modicum of competence? He doesn’t, and he didn’t.

Put this one on Paul Ryan. This is the Randian fantasy he had been drooling over for a long time. He should get the full credit for the tax cut fiasco and should pay the full price when the piper calls.


That was so painful to watch. An MOU is a legal contract as long as both parties agree to it and sign. Literally the only thing that could undermine the legality of a MOU was exactly what Trump did, publicly and ineptly redefining it. Which gave the trade rep no choice but call it something else, while it remained in substance the exact same thing.

Anyone who asserts or who asserted in the past that Trump is/was a good businessman needs to be slapped twice across the face with a lionfish.

Please sign and date below.


‘No good. I’ve known too many Germans.”

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The radio interview clearly mentioned “children”. More than one univison video showing trash diving?

Not that I’m aware of. The one I linked is the one that Rubio was promoting.