Trump Media share trading halted amid endless pump and dump cycle

More made up stuff but I better vote for him just in case he’s the savior.

He showed how ignorant he was on economics during that Bloomberg thing but in his head he schooled them.

I hope everyone listened yesterday as Bloomberg interviewed me. For over a year, I’ve said China is building giant plants in Mexico. Since they heard about the Tariffs, all work has STOPPED on those plants. I saved Michigan autoworkers. Detroit will thrive if I’m elected!


DonOld being “required” to follow any rule is almost a punchline. He’ll simply ignore the rule if it suits him, then lie about it later.

I wonder if the authors even thought about who they were discussing.


I think the thing is that Musk and other billionaires believe that they deserve all the money they have. Their whole self-image is based on the idea that they have earned al the money they have by their own brilliance and inventiveness. And of course they know better than anyone else how that money should be spent.

If a government proposes to take some of their money away, that’s a direct challenge to this view, because it suggests that all that money shouldn’t be theirs, and that the government might even put it to better use than them. Plus, of course, it’s a long time since anyone told them they couldn’t have everything they want, and here’s this jumped-up government doing just that. Unacceptable!

Billionaires resist taxation not so much because they can’t spare a few hundred million, but because any constraint placed on them is a challenge to the idea of their own unassailable superiority above the little people.


Trump’s also required by Federal law not to take top secret documents from the White House and dump them in a spare bathroom at Mar El Lago.

He’s required by HOA law not to live at Mar El Lago on a semi-permanent basis.

He’s required by New York law to pay New York $780M dollars.

Etc. etc.


For a narcissist, once you are the wealthiest person in the world, the only thing left you could want is power.


That and respect. The worst of the billionaire techbros are desperate to be seen as intellectual heavyweights. And the corporate media is glad to help them out.


Musk so badly wants people to think he is funny, too. He’ll apparently do anything except actually get someone to teach him how.