Trump suggested using the flu vaccine to cure coronavirus

The headline says it all.


That’s our stable genius!


AAAAAh, the stupid, IT BLINDS ME!!!


Trump also wondered aloud why the flu vaccine can’t just be used for coronavirus, asking, “You take a solid flu vaccine, you don’t think that could have an impact, or much of an impact, on corona?”

This kind of thing drives me nuts, and you see it everywhere; Joe Sixpack wondering aloud why the solution he just came up with to a complex problem he knows nothing about isn’t being used.

Odds are, Joe, that your brilliant idea is actually fux0ringly stupid.

One of the most common places is in climate change conversations. “Oh, they forgot contrails”, or “yeah, but that doesn’t account for the natural cycle of the sun.” No they didn’t and yes it does, you clown. Look, these folks have spent years thinking about this shit, and in the process made themselves experts on that and a host of other factors you’ve never even heard of. Show some fucking respect.

Sit down, shut your mouth, and open your ears. If you really must say something, make it on something you actually know something about, or can influence.

In Trumps case, here, instead of “what about the flu vaccine^?”, a better question would have been “how much money do you need? Can we help with the administration overhead relating to stuff like visas, imports, and exports? Do you need the military to transport anything, anywhere? How can I apply the resources of the government to help you do your job easier and faster?”

^ Wait, is the GOP in favour of vaccines now? Good grief, will wonders never cease.


He asks: “can we use a flu vaccine?”
Someone answers: “probably not.”


The correct answer is: No, it absolutely will not. Don’t entertain his STOOPID. Don’t placate his STOOPID. State the truth, not wishful/magical thinking.


I think he’s dimly aware of how bad this could get… for his re-election campaign. The fact that it’s causing the stock market to tank really helps focus what remains of his attention.


It doesn’t matter what he claims.

His supporters are so fscking stupid, they’ll believe it all anyway.


I’m stealing this.


Or as I like to say “So you, Dave in Etobicoke ™ (fill in your suburb/buttcrackville of choice), who has zero background in this very specialised area of study, you have the answer that has eluded scores of scientists with dozens of letters after their names and decades of experience? Well, we can all rest easy then.”


A legend in his own mind, but he was right about one thing: I am sick and tired of all of the “winning”.


Surely you mean Doug? :grinning:


Owning 'em Libra’s is all dat mata\s.

It’s totally in character at this point, so not really a surprise; but it’s still grimly absurd to watch someone who has shown basically no interest in bargaining on the points where you likely could extract concessions(doesn’t strictly fall within presidential remit; but between power over appointments who will influence things like the VA and Medicare/medicaid administration, whipping congress members whose seats don’t look entirely safe into line, etc. almost certainly something a president could give a hard shove to); like pricing now trot out frankly amateurish(if I can detect it, and it’s less subtle than what we use when renegotiating enterprise software licenses it’s not exactly world class dealing) attempts to negotiate away the hard and slow steps that nobody has any interest in spending more time on than absolutely necessary.

Yeah, sure, El Presidente, they are sandbagging on the clinical trials because they just love having possible products stuck in clinical trials…

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Ooh! Good one!

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You can’t, I already gave it to you, and you’re welcome.


As much as I dislike Donnuie Two-Scoops, I do wonder if a full-court, all-hands-on-deck, screw-the-cost effort could speed things up. I understand the need for multi-level trials and all.

What’s the fastest a vaccine could be developed? Can some protocols be rushed without sacrificing safety?

“He’s a fucking idiot my wife commented a while back.

“I dunno” I replied. That waddling turd bucket of a man had always gotten what he wanted with his behavior. I pointed this out and got a dubious “maybe” in return. He wanted to get where he was, and apparently did things that got him there.

You were right” I had to admit after seeing this. In a way, its comforting. The man has simply won every cosmic lottery without even playing. Perhaps we’re being punished by a force of nature merely to ease nihilistic doledrums and get us to focus on the little but truly important things of life that no catastrophe short of extermination can wipe away.


Yeah, I wasn’t really thinking about short-circuiting medical protocols which are there for good reasons (and, however bad COVID-19 gets, there is never a good reason to give anti-vaxxers ammunition by releasing a substandard vaccine), but more things like “Well, we need 50 tons of cow gut for the bile acid, and the best source is Australia - shipping it takes a month or more, and then it usually gets held up on the docks for at least a couple more weeks - can you help with that?”

“Sure. General Brown, get a squadron of C-17s moving down to Brisbane to pick up those cow guts. Chad, have enough of your customs guys waiting at Edwards to clear those planes as soon as they land. Bill, sort out any legal waivers they need to move stuff on Air Force planes and to get expedited customs clearances. Oh, and, Brownie - have another squadron waiting at Edwards ready to move the cargo on to … where did you need them? McConville will have trucks ready waiting to get them from the airport to your labs, right Jim? We’ll have those guts to you where you need them by the start of next week. What else?”

Boom. Two months saved, and no medical protocols compromised.


Here’s the downunda equivalent from today:


Oh, that litotes! *chef’s kiss*

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