Florida Man’s cunning plan bites him in the ass.
Add voter fraud to the Impeachment topic.
Trump reacts to Obama’s Commencement Speech.
Fraudulent registration anyway, but he can avoid the voter-fraud rap by just not voting
Wasn’t the whole reason to supposedly “move to Florida” to make it harder for prosecutors in New York to get him for this and that?
He already voted in the primary.
He’s not even good at criming
Never has been. He’s so incompetent at it, that it makes him hard to catch. It’s like if The Pink Panther/Inspector Clouseau were inverted.
Welp, there it is, folks, today’s way that Trump has managed to grab all the day’s major headlines, yet again.
Attorney Scott Pilutik looks at one of the minor lawsuits involving Trump.
Lawsuit heading for trial shows Trump’s appeal to the easily scammed May 20, 2020, Scott Pilutik, Underground Bunker
In the hierarchy of Trump atrocities this ranks relatively low. Yet it’s the type of thing, like Trump University, that you’d think would render one automatically disqualified for higher office.
It’s also the type of thing that actual super-wealthy people, of the sort that Trump likes to portray himself, just don’t engage in. Actual super-wealthy people like Betsy DeVos, own scams like Amway, they don’t pitch for it.
At some point, probably a few years after he’s out of office, I think we’ll eventually find out that Trump was actually net broke all along, and just juggling creditors and debt, even through his presidency.
Up is down. Down is up. He lives in a hall of mirrors.
My head really hurts. Please make it stop.
What is up with that weird playing-the-invisible-accordion hand gesture he uses for every occasion?
Well obviously, it’s the musical theme flowing through his brain to accompany and amplify whatever he’s saying.
Isn’t that what they put on Hannibal Lecter when he was in custody?