Trump to sign yet another trash executive order, this time on 'the cyber'

You’ve put your finger on the key misunderstanding, the one that’s fooled a quarter of the voter base into supporting Trump. Governments and Companies have different functions, they serve different interests. Experience in one does not translate into experience in the other. When McConnell laughed at the thought of drowning government in a bathtub, he was thinking about government like it was just another doomed capitalist adventure, not the framework within which capitalism must function.

Time was, companies were compelled to demonstrate their usefulness to society, and were routinely disbanded once that usefulness was over. Now the center of balance has shifted, and it’s society that must prove its usefulness to business or else be disbanded.

Back in the day there used to be civil wars over the divine right of kings to rule. Now it seems there’s just a sort of collective hunch that business knows best, and no one to actually take responsibility for such reckless behavior.


Kind of like modern-day Americans and the writ of Habeus Corpus.



You realize, in the legal sense, this is a general and non-specific
injunction complaint? What I don’t see is evidence of substantial and
irreparable harm.

People, for example, are citing the first amendment. The first words
are “Congress shall make no law…” When did the office of the
Executive become Congress?

While we lavish in the horrendous shitbucket that the Donald throws all the world into, I’d also like to offer a note of hope. The US is one of the oldest democracies. One with hard checks and balances (I know the D wants to dismantle them). A very stable country. And, most importantly, one with term limits. So, at least after 8 years, the nightmare will be over.

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So by this logic President Obama really did have the authority to just take everyone’s guns away by executive order? NOW you tell us!



The USA is party to the Protocol Relating to the Status of Refugees (ratified by th US 1. Nov. 1968).
Trumps order violates this Protocol, specifically Articles 3, 25, 32, 33, possibly 4.

International treaties are binding for domestic US law (i.e. Supremacy Clause).

International Agreements and U.S. Law


That is patently false. We are under documented threat from identified
groups of unidentified individuals known to reside in the countries
specified in Obama’s list of countries. There is no religious test
involved – it is only one related to country of origin.

You can go on about things which are not true, but you have to be told
that they aren’t true.

In the mean time, Islam is not specifically a religion. It is a system
of government and a political system. Islam asserts its laws against
ALL people, whether believers or not.

How strong/secure is the 22nd Amendment?



After my quick scan of the Reuters blurb my first thought was “Well, this doesn’t sound too horrible.” Then I read _“The draft order would also seek ways to give the private sector incentives to adopt strong security measures.” and it all made sense.


Unfortunately all those glorious laws and checks and balances are only as good as those tasked with enforcing them. Our country is one of the older Democracies but just because we’ve managed to stick with the same government for nine generations or so doesn’t mean we can necessarily assume the system will save us. Complacency is deadly.


Eh, the neonazis (excuse me, alt-right) kept saying that about Obama, I don’t think Trump will stay longer.

The recent firing of the justice minister - i don’t have the exact translation, just guessing - makes my “ass go on ice”. But we need to have hope. Otherwhise, what’s the point?

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I’m surprised to read that there have been several abortive attempts to get it repealed, from both parties.

I’m just looking forward to Trump’s natural term limit coming into play.


Due process has to do with the judicial system, not exercise of
executive authority.

As for those with legal visas? The administration has the right to
revoke visas under the law. As for those with green cards? The
administration has already stated that there was no such ban imposed.
Any action taken in that regard was a TSA/ICE mistake. There was nothing
in the order which specified people who have already been processed into
this country legally.

The number of people affected was actually quite small…109 people.
Compare that with the number of people actually traveling into the
country or to the number of people delayed or refused service because of
the TSA or anything like that?

The authority of the executive to revoke a visa is in the constitution.
It would require an amendment to the constitution to change that.

There was nothing in the executive order which caused that to happen.
That would be human error (ICE and/or TSA).

There’s certainly no religious test specifically written into the EO but that hasn’t stopped the border patrol officers from making up their own. I’ll be interested to hear (probably years from now) what exactly was passed down to the the Border Patrol with regard to this EO.

I have to say that most of what I’ve heard about the border patrol agents leads me to believe they are not the type of people I would put in charge of border security. Just sayin’ (This includes US, Canadian and Australian Border Agents.)

I’m personally thinking all the current and future EOs Pres Douche will sign are payoffs to whatever nutjob group got him elected or a giant smoke screen to hide him raking in his share of the 19 BILLION dollars in privatized Russian oil rights.


I worked for some time with Euronorms and as a result spent some time with German, French and Italian engineers. I got on best with the Germans. I think I’m personally a bit culturally German, with a fondness for German poetry as a result.
Germany is the most important country in Europe by far, and I think that at the bottom of a lot of the anti-EU sentiment in the UK is an unwillingness to admit that we are no longer of any great importance.


“It’s not true unless it makes you laugh, but you don’t understand it until it makes you weep.”
—Robert Anton Wilson