Trump's Instructions for Your Survival of the Coronavirus

In the UK, the Government has already discussed having a more relaxed approach to COVID-19 that might bee better for the economy.

They can charge people for their treatment if the NHS cannot cover it. They can do this by releasing equity on the homes the old and poorly people live in. And we clearly have too many people, such as carers, artists, academics, invalids, and others that are not contributing to the economy, so losing a few percent of them is accepted.

They can also blame the Brexit losses on COVID-19. What’s not to like?

Yep. They want this. They stop just short of saying so in the media, but they want it.


If you want a really scary thought, just consider that our media is so prone to treating everything as a both sides horse race narrative that they may downplay the reporting of the truth out of habit rather than malice. If Trump can keep it a matter of competing narratives for a little while then the deaths will fade out of the news coverage just like our border concentration camps.


Yeah, I guess I hadn’t considered that in addition to possible power grabs, they also get to allow a lot of poors to die, which is one of their favorite pastimes. Cruelty, point, etc.


Forgot “Prevent spread of the virus by lowering interest rates and payroll taxes”


“Blame Democrats for wanting the coronavirus to succeed”.

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I’m really worried that he gets a 2nd term, and then gets 1 or 2 more Supreme Court appointees. He could stack the court with two young conservative judges, leading to a very long fight for progressives.

Not my original thought, obviously. And he’s not even my president. Just a 800-lb gorilla I sleep next to.


From your mouth to whoever the F can ensure infection’s ears…

If we’re lucky we might end up as Italy.
But I’m guessing more like Iran.

It is also a power grab. They want a cowed underclass to clean their homes, do their gardens, cook their meals, carry their golf clubs, and call them “sir”. To this end, keep the ordinary people from owning a home, having a safe margin of health cover, and a basic wage. It’s like “barefoot and pregnant” but bigger.

Some people in the US have been calling for mass infections, but some people in the US are so bizarre that it is hard to know what to believe. But I feel there is a core of “It’s tough, but we will be better for it in the long run” in US policy too.

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