Truths about food expiration dates

Two weeks ago I bought bologna for the first time in years. We don’t normally eat it, but it was just one of those thing. A week later, still unopened and weeks until the “use by” date, it was covered in green and white mold. Lesson re-learned.


Ugh. Can kind of relate. I pretty much always get blocks of cheddar cheese from a sorta local place, Cabot Creamery. Over the winter holidays the grocery was out and I went with a “stock” brand. When I opened it, still before the “expiration” date, it was already covered with green stuff.
If this is, in fact, a trend, I think part of it might be related to the supply chain stresses. Things might be handled more roughly and cause damage to some packaging.


If you find this happening, please do alert your grocery store. They suffer if people stop shopping there, and can often be effective by contacting distributors and vendors. They will also often give you a refund or credit.
What store would want to become known as “that place where the cans with botulism were found”?


My mother’s partner is frugal. Cases of Diet Coke stacked in the basement from >10 years ago. I like Diet Coke, but this stuff is awful.

So when my wife & I visit his place, we both try to get the other to have a Diet Coke. I’ve learned to always show up with at least half of my Timmy’s coffee undrunk, so I can nurse it, using it as an excuse for not requiring a Diet Coke from him. She’s not a coffee drinker, so she has to make up excuses.

He’s a good guy otherwise. No one has the heart to tell him his Diet coke sucks.


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