TSA admits that its pornoscanners flag Black women and others with curly hair for humiliating, invasive searches

Not true. We scan large people all the time and most of the time they get a “clear reading.” If they don’t, it’'s usually because they have something in their pocket and NOT because of their size.

I’ve scanned thousands of passengers and neither their gender or their scan color comes into play when it comes to get a pat-down. Furthermore, if someone has braids, we check their hair. It’s not, imo, “invasive.” That work, to me, implies searching private areas. We only look there is the machine alarms- if you have stuff in your pockets or stood with your feet too close together and/or you have fat thighs, you might alarm. The reason 99% of men get patted down is because they have stuff in heir pockets (in spite of the fact that we ask them at least six times to empty their pockets on the way to the scanner. Also, people wearing cargo pants or pants with lots of zippers. Women who wear sparkles and rhinestones on their blouses will surely set off the machine- it’s amazing what people choose to wear when flying.

Large person. I have yet to pass one of these without issue. One of the agents literally told me once that “this happens to larger people sometimes, sorry about that”, which I thought was surprisingly frank for a security agent.


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