Tucker Carlson calls for jailing Dallas stadium architect

Cheap prefab.


How does this stadium ruin Dallas? It’s in Arlington.


These guys can’t get past their love of Albert Speer and his pseudo-classical garbage.


True; though that’s still not an “executable offense.”

I hope Carlson chokes on his own ragebait and hatemongering one day.


Hmmm, now I vaguely recall something short near the beginning of the movie about smart people having difficulty breeding (time, stress, etc.) while dumb people were depicted reproducing like rabbits.

I always interpreted that as being more based on the “tortured genius” theory of creativity, that some mental capabilities come with drawbacks.

Ya know, I had thought about Mercedes Benz stadium in Atlanta when I was writing that. But then I thought about it’s nickname given to it by so many of my soccer friends. Megatron’s … um… yeah. But that’s definitely a good point that it doesn’t have to look like that. Though the dimensions of the baseball field are what make it difficult.

It’s funny to me, though, that they’re decrying this building when their generation is responsible for plopping down giant circles everywhere. RFK Stadium, Busch Stadium, Candlestick Park, Riverfront Stadium, the Kingdome, the Metrodome, the Astrodome… literally for 3 decades their generation just built circles with roofs.


Nope. It was straight up showing the wrong people were breeding.

It may, however, fall under Texas new abortion laws.

Quasi unrelated but I was looking ant the Stadiums wiki page to see what they called the Architectural style. (They don’t say) and they gave the unique marked dimensions of the field as they “honor Rangers history” and I’m reminded that baseball fields are different sizes, which boggles my mind.


It is widely believed that the architects can do anything they want and the client is obliged to let them. It does not work that way.


That’s a good point and the article certainly hypes the stadium as a functional one where people get great views from it.

It reminds me of the old thing about Fallingwater (apart from it falling down because he was too much of a primo don architect to listen to the engineers): it should have been built where all the pictures of it are taken from. That’s the view. He wanted his house to be looked at and ruined the views to make it so.


Did you see the movie?

The entire premise is that humanity is getting steadily dumber because the “wrong” people are having too many children and the “right” people aren’t having enough, because smart people are more responsible with their reproductive decisions.

The opening sequence even makes the point with comical flow charts showing a dumb redneck and his progeny breeding like rabbits while a sensible college-educated couple endlessly dithers about waiting for the “right time” to have a baby.


It’s like Elon Musk’s idea of what’s wrong with humanity: he thinks brilliant rich people like himself have a duty to make more babies for the betterment of the species. Textbook argument for eugenics.


Also, isn’t prosecuting an architect for not respecting historical convention the plot of The Fountainhead? This puts Tucker in the role as the nattering conformist media. It’s almost as if right wing thought lacks any consistency.


I was confused by the unnamed “expert”'s use of postmodernism. It obviously wasn’t architectural, and it didn’t seem to be art. I think he means it the same as Jordan Peterson: a scare term like Cultural Marxism that he tosses around, but doesn’t understand either…


Something tells me thay aren’t asking for an Archibald Leitch style stadium, although they might approve of Goodison Park which has a church on the Gwladys Street/Goodison Road corner.


I’ve only read the introduction to that from many years later and they use words that have real meanings seemingly randomly. I don’t think Ayn Rand was a coherent thinker to say the least.

I figured if a three page introduction made me feel rage and immediately stupider for having read it the whole sprawling mess of a long book would not be good for my health. I may survive three pages of being bludgeoned with stupid but six hundred pages might permanently impair me.


My inner-ex-Montrealer shrieks.


Let’s leave it as an exercise for the reader whether this ruins or improves Arlington, which has no shortage of, nor evident objection to, Costco-type buildings.


“And he doesn’t get arrested? I don’t understand that.”

You don’t understand how you can’t arrest someone for something that isn’t against the law?


Man I am glad this guy is off the mainstream cable.


Could be that the architect was disappointed by how it turned out too. Lots of creatives have seen interesting ideas crushed under economic realities, design-by-committee and other review processes.