"Tumblr convention" a total disaster

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Let’s go back a bit in the thread and see who originally brought up teen girls…oh, it was you.

Though I find it odd that you would accuse Jezebel, of all outlets, for being hostile toward girls…

Anyway, I brought up the examples I did to point out that some folks are hostile toward Tumblr for reasons that have nothing to do with teenage girls. I’d go further with that:

Tiny text, low contrast, shitty colorscheme, even shittier message. Though apparently a trolley blog, thank goodness.

Shitty, shitty nesting. Many of the layouts that people choose use fixed, non-responsive boxes, so eventually, if they get especially nested, you’ll see rebuttals that are just letters stacked vertically.

Ah, and all the Supernatural reaction .GIFs, or animated GIFs with a wall of text, and a loop of a person saying one word of that wall of text.

Honestly…to me, Tumblr is LiveJournal 2.0 with a liberal extra helping of MySpace.

And if you get away from that section of Tumblr, it’s all porn.

A failed convention is as cringe-worthy to me as Tumblr itself.

I’ll be interested to find out if it’s really true that they let minors on to the BSDM panel.

If that’s what you got from what I posted, that’s not my fault, imho. I get depressed when I see things on TiA that are from people who post that and seem to not be driving trollies. I think it’s good to highlight people who say shitty things about transgender issues, or accusing gay men of being misogynist for being gay, or trivializing rape. But to insinuate that my problem with that is that I’m bashing women…Rob, you’re reading that into what I’m saying here.

Fine; guess it’s time for a break from Boing Boing. :frowning: A shame, too, because I like the 'site overall.

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Teenager-hood lasts 8 years though, so the chance that any particular teen will suicide or be directly affected by it is pretty high.


if you consider 0.00064 to be “pretty high”, sure. (yes, i did the math correctly; the probability is so small that it’s approximately linear to the fifth decimal place.)

for reference, that’s approximately the probability of a 30-year-old in the US dying in one six-month period.

I was more thinking of approx 1:1500. It’s not huge, granted, but given it’s such a sad event^, that’s pretty high. Which, funnily enough, is exactly what I said.


^ Yes, yes. Dying is often or always a sad event, but teens killing themselves seems especially pointless and sad.


I received plenty of ridicule from older relatives about my teenage pastimes, crushes, and arrogance - most teenage girls do, but at the time, we didn’t care. It’s vastly different from bullying, and I think it helps teens become more discerning and less of a jerk as they grow up.

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This isn’t some podunk hotel out in the middle of nowhere, though, this is an extremely popular hotel and convention center in the Chicago area; one at which I’ve been to many conventions.

They have standard contracts and standard rates, and according to the hotel the DashCon people had $20k due at opening. The normal expectation is to have that upon the start, and this isn’t a thing that’s negotiable, but the disorganized convention staff thought they were going to pay it off by the end. (The reason it’s not negotiable is that a con can just have it’s way and then get up and leave without paying, for a space you’d want to have it all paid at the beginning of the event.)

This was definitely not a case of the hotel suddenly wanting more money, they had a contract and the staff clearly didn’t read it.

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I don’t know if I’m just ignorant of the details of how tumblr’s social structure has shaken down, or if McLuhan is smirking at me right now; but what surprised me most is not that we have a convention for some esoteric niche; but that we have a convention for a niche communications platform(and, unlike HAM events or LUGs, not a communications platform where there’s a lot of hardware to swap or technical arcana to exchange).

A con, or distinct sub-area of a larger con, dedicated to just about any wildly esoteric fandom or subculture so odd that you’d think I was making them up would not be a surprise; but I thought that even tumblr, comparatively niche by the standards of ‘social’ or blogging platforms, was much closer to a content agnostic architecture with multiple things going on on top of it, rather than something that would have a convention of its own.


It kind of makes sense to me - they basically took a few different communities that live on tumblr and got them to cooperate on a larger arrangement. If I’m not mistaken, the groups in question have reasonably similar demographics, and they’re on the same social network, so there’s bound to be a bit of crosslinking and overlaps in interests. It’s probably easier to arrange it within tumblr than spreading out over different networks, too.


Well that was my guess too, but it’s only a guess. It’s actually kind of shitty to denounce the evil corporation on public media when the real problem is you didn’t read the contract.


I read the whole thing. Who doesn’t like a train wreck?

re: “I got pulled aside at one point by someone who said I shouldn’t refer to them as ‘dude/man.’ The context of this was, ‘oh dude did you want your receipt?’”

I call everyone dude. If someone said that to me, I’d have to look them right in the eye, shake their hand, and say, “Dude, I don’t think we can be friends.” and walk off.

Did anyone else follow the link about Tentmoot and fall down the rabbit-hole of crazy? Because that was a train wreck.

(I assumed at least half of tumblr was for porn, funny how things seem eh?)

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Which Tentmoot link? The only one I found in the article was an extremely short Wiki that just said “Tentmoot is a LOTR convention that never happened.” There doesn’t appear to be any edits to the wiki either.

I did find this however: http://boards.straightdope.com/sdmb/archive/index.php/t-623931.html
Which is just kind of sad. Straight up untreated mental illness.

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You are obviously a stellar example of humanity, completely impervious to the flaws of the “Sheeple” you despise.

Kids are horrible and annoying, but one should also know when to step back and just avoid people you loathe. Jumping into the fray entangles you in the same behaviors, it brings you down to their level.

Physician, ridicule thyself. Don’t combat entitlement and ill-founded feelings of superiority with those exact same personal failings, only with with more force of will.


You’re right, I thought there was an actual link, but I was think of the link to this, from this article.
And yes, mental illness (probably?) combined with an ability to rope other people into their fantasies ending up in a series of clusterfucks and disasters.

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It’s great for anything… visual. Other than the obvious, I enjoy it for fashion and art.

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(sigh) I can only suppose you skipped the posts where I said that I was ridiculed and appreciate it in retrospect, and the one where I clearly distinguish between ridicule and abuse.

In any case, you know almost nothing about me, so I’ll throw your psychological diagnosis into the proverbial waste bin, where it belongs.

Which I said in my comment… I also meant it as a side comment, because I happened to notice it in the comments on jezebel…

Feminists… we’re not a monolith! Amazing, no? I have all sorts of problems with jezebel.

yet some are also hostile towards tumblrs because of teenage girls… one does not negate the other, you know.

You don’t like tumblr, don’t use it. Very easy. The trainwreck of a convention is a seperate matter and the people who got hurt weren’t non-tumblr users, but lots of tumblr users.

Why you or anyone else feels the need to act as if the people who use tumblr are only worhty of your contempt is beyond me.


From what I understand, there is a certainly inclusivness that has grown about tumblr (and I bet there is a similar sort of thing going on with other platforms as well- reddit, etc). But, yeah, it does seem kind of weird to us (I assume we’re of a similar age? Yes? Didn’t grow up with the ubiquitous internet?), but I bet it doesn’t to the kids on tumblr. As a laughing McLuhan said, “the medium is the message…” (that was McLuhan, right?).

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