Twitch streamer has grossed $33 million in two years on OnlyFans

thank you and excuse me

try casey in china town

The best way would be to find out whether someone you already like or follow is on Twitch. That could be a friend or a comedian or author or musician or podcaster you follow. You’ll probably be surprised how many people you might not expect are on there.

Then just find their channel and watch. If they don’t happen to be live, you may find recordings of previous streams on their channel, which might be a good way to get a feel for what it is all about and how the community behaves. Then just sign up so you get notified when someone you follow is online and you can participate in chat.

It’s hard to make specific recommendations without knowing you, but for the general demographic of the BBS two people that come to mind are Patrick Rothfuss (Twitch) and Felicia Day (Twitch).


You are demonstrating gross and judgemental ignorance about what Twitch, OnlyFans, and cam girls are all about. She may well do zero pornography or she may do a little soft porn here and there. It’s not necessarily about that though. There are millions of women on OF who don’t do porn and nobody on Twitch does. Yes, “twitch streamer” is a real career and your judgy scare quotes are not required.

None of your damn business. “It’s not about the money” is a normal phrase people use to express that they really enjoy their work.

Your post was the worst of the lot, but this thread is full of judgemental bullshit that is because she’s a young woman doing things that might overlap slightly with sex work. Or even if it is sex work, so what? BB is a progressive place but a young woman makes money doing something that old men don’t approve of and suddenly it’s Sunday School in here.

Just because you guys don’t understand these platforms doesn’t mean they are illegitimate or “they must be porn”. Fuck all your noise.


Maybe this is closer to the mark?


Depends on what you are into. There’s all sorts of weird interesting content on twitch. Too much to list but here’s a few odd balls, twitch dot tv /lyleforever is a “therapy gecko” aka a guy in a gecko suit who takes calls and works out the callers issues. /exptv_ Broadcasting an endless stream of obscure media and video ephemera. /stopsigncam you can watch live how many people run a stop sign(it’s a lot of people).

For me it was a way to connect with community during the pandemic. Many musicians and DJs were out of work, like a lot of us, which helped the music scene on twitch exploded over the last few years. It’s like enjoying a live show, except you can talk(text chat) to everyone in the room all at once. Including the performer.

I hear people also stream video games on there.


That’s a big part of the appeal for me too-- the social element was very helpful during the lockdown phase, and some of the communities there are full of wonderful people.

I pretty much stumbled into Twitch when Abby Thorn (Philosophy Tube) did her Shakespeare-reading-for-the-Samaritans fundraiser. I started watching her livestreams on YouTube, and when someone I got to know there in the chat started his channel, I tried it, and liked it. Raids introduced me to others in one Leftist news/politics circle I frequent, but even there, there are artists who draw live on stream, musicians, people who run mental health issue discussions, even someone who does cake decorating videos on “Fondant Fridays.”

I do watch a few game streamers for fun and palate cleansers. I can highly recommend Meeeows, a friendly, cheerful and upbeat creator. She mainly plays Dead By Daylight, but she also dabbles in other games from time to time. She also does the occasional amazing cosplay makeup, and she loves dad jokes and silly puns.


The medium is the message, so… um, “Twitter!”, maybe? :person_shrugging:

What an excellent documentary. My main take away she’s discovered how to make money for her dream of an animal sanctuary but at the cost of her own happiness. She only looked truly happy with her animals. She recognises she can only do this short term and having an end goal but I hope she leaves sooner rather than later to create her dream animal rescue centre before the industry breaks her.

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