Twitter "sorry" for "mistake" of posting "Kill All Jews" as a trend

So why are we slamming Twitter here? It’s exactly what we’re asking them to do and then being mad when they don’t do it!

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This is the vanity I’m talking about–at least the project to embody this stance in technology. You can’t do this, you can’t even try. It’s worse than worthless; it’s the fuel of the fire.


It never really went away. It just went underground. But it’s always been there on the Right where it’s been baked into Conservative Christianity forever. Whenever you hear hatred for “the globalists” or “International elites” or “the bankers” it means “Jews”. On the Left it’s got a veneer of “We’re not Jew-haters. We’re just anti-Zionist” or complaints about insufficiently radical “liberals”.

And that, as Tevye said at the end of Fiddler on the Roof is why we always wear our hats.



I think we’re annoyed with twitter, because this has been a well known problem for a very long time. This is not an effort to head the problem off at the pass, but rather aimed at optics a week after a man walked into a synagogue and shot 11 people. Although twitter has become more responsive to these problems in recent months, this is an issue they refused to address for a very long time prior to the past few months. it goes back to Gamergate, the attacks on Briana Wu, and so on. They helped the problem to fester, by claiming that they were just a neutral carrier, and that people making racist, sexist, anti-semitic, anti-islamic, homophobic, transphobic attacks on other users was not their problem. It was far more likely for people to get shut down on twitter for defending themselves AGAINST such attacks, then it was for the people making the attacks to get banned. We’re pissed, because they helped to create this problem by refusing to see it as a problem in the first place.


So the proper response for Twitter is the one that caused this article to be written? To own their editorial position and tell everybody else to go pound sand?

The Dune bit is really no surprise. So many of these companies have as a guiding principle “Let’s implement some technology (or worse philosophy) that we got from sci-fi, and if the consequences are bad, we’ll just implement more shit we got from sci-fi!”

That principle quickly leads to some bad shit.

And here we are!


"On the Left it’s got a veneer of “We’re not Jew-haters. We’re just anti-Zionist” or complaints about insufficiently radical “liberals”.

Though that’s not quite the same thing - ‘Israel,’ ‘Jewish,’ and ‘Zionist’ overlap a lot, but not completely. It’s perfectly possible to be against the Israeli government but not be against Judaism.


Because Twitter allowed an algorithm to say “Kill All Jews,” told us it made a mistake, but won’t be doiong anything at all about the cause of the mistake, because the mistake is the soul of the machine.


Need more evidence that #DeleteTwitter #DeleteFaceBook, just wait five minutes and they provide it in spades.


Yes, yes. I am very critical of lots of things Israel does. But watch what you’ve done. “Anti-Zionism” is the belief that Zionism, the desire for a homeland for Jews in the Middle East is itself wrong and that Israel in any form should be abolished. Criticism of Israel, even harsh criticism, is much different than the belief the country should be destroyed. But the anti-Zionists have pulled you into their orbit and gotten you to make common cause with them. That’s how good propaganda works.


That’s their stance and they are sticking with it. Their system isn’t perfect, but as you noted above specifically improving it for this case is a fools errand.

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#killalljacks. No offense, @jack. Nothing personal. Just statistics. Too much damage done. To many jack’o’lanters gaslighting. To many fucks not given.
Too many of jack’s asses in too many tiny boxes of pandora.


Although that goes both ways as well - a lot of the Israeli government is acting out of what they call ‘Zionism,’ but they basically just want apartheidal cultural genocide of Palestinians, and will brooch any criticism of that as equal to demanding the destruction of a Jewish homeland. I’m not so much anti-ZionISM as anti-ZionIST, because the folks clamoring for it the most are the ones like Bibi, who just flat-out see others’ human rights as irrelevant.


well in perspective, just to point out the obvious, this is at least one more actual saying of “sorry” than the president of the entire united states has ever said about something he’s said or done, including regarding that particular mass murder

I mean they could have doubled-down with trumpianism in this day and age and I kinda expect some corporations to start doing that in the future now that it’s been demonstrated you can completely get away with it with no repercussions

now if they really want to apologize, they need to ban trump from twitter platform, it’s pretty obvious his hate speech violates their TOS repeatedly and he only gets away with it because of his power


Ah, yes. I’m not a “racist” I’m a “racialist” and a “racial realist”. Same weasel words.

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no, they are claiming they’ll fix it via the algorithm, which is both lying about considering a fix and not admitting that said fix is a fool’s errand. You can either hire an editorial staff for your app, or admit the algorithm can’t and won’t be tuned toward a morally acceptable outcome. Imstead, they’re trying to shoot down the middle so that they can remian both lean AND have mass-market appeal, which is turning them into Gab, but with frequent milquetoast appologies and a bigger network.