Two Ashley Madison accounts for reality TV's Josh Duggar?

Duggar has released a statement:

Ah, darn, someone already posted. Sorry. Hours ago, too, not sure why I couldn’t see it.

A bit of a handwave away if it was reported and nobody followed up.

But still, this reeks of schadenfreude-laced puritanism. “Oh, tee hee, he’s a sex-toy user… what a deviant”, we say to ourselves while clicking through to the next issue of Oh Joy Sex Toy on the same site.

What the fuck? He was, until recently, a member of the largest lobbying group against gay rights in one of the most powerful nations.

Get a grip, if we laughed at anything, it was how droll his adulterous profile was. He’s a sleazebag because he’s a rapist. He’s getting exposed because he denied human rights while at the same time pursuing “anti-family” affairs, ON TOP OF BEING A CHILD RAPIST.

Grow up.


Successfully registering a credit card to a few of his homes would have to be a pretty immersive trolley.

Besides that the Duggar family themselves responding positively to the claim? The trolley is coming from inside the house!

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Seriously, I wonder if they’re not supporting the Duggars for other reasons? It’s bizarre, I usually only encounter this sort of kneejerk scowling and smuggery when people start discussing “the other tribe” in politics.


Boing is full of folks on the other side from the Conservative-as-a-professed-lifestyle like the Duggars, but also full of privacy wonks.

So the schadenfreude is strong with this story, but our own privacy mores give us pause at the magnitude of the breach.

It’s a great story but nobody wants to be the next Duggar.


…number 20?


I understand people criticizing the leak based on privacy, It’s the other rants that’re bizarrely mistargeted.

“Ha ha, how dare you people be sex-positive! I bet you’re not even and I’ll put words and thoughts in your mouths to prove so!”

Ooooohhhkay, buddy. Keep your projections to yourself.

Back on topic, this is a much better addressing of the concerns of private sexual activity-

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Personally, I find the dividing line to be whether or not that public figure deliberately placed themselves in the public eye. In other words, a person who becomes know simply by being caught up in some newsworthy event deserves a much higher respect to their privacy than someone who works hard to get - and stay - in the public domain (celebrities, politicians, pundits…).

Furthermore, for those public figures whose entire raison d’etre is to exert influence over the public, I believe the press has an even higher obligation to be hyper vigilant in looking for and reporting instances of hypocritical variance between the public message and the personal behavior.

Duggar is clearly the latter.


Josh insinuated that people that use sex toys are deviants. The post you are referring to, the subtext is, “you like them too, so all of us are not deviants, right? So stop calling us depraved, since you know it isn’t

I suspect this last part isn’t true though. I’m 110% onboard with no quarter for hypocracy, but I’d bet dollars to donuts that Josh Duggar is deeply conflicted and deep down inside, believes he is depraved.

This leak makes some small part of me actually feel some pity for the guy. Just imagine the totally fucked up childhood he (and all his sibs, for that matter) had? Just think about what he must have been taught about sex - there is only one right way, and further, variance from that way doesn’t just mean you’re not normal; it means you’re damned.

Edit: BTW, how do I do the nifty grey-scale indent when I’m quoting?

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if you highlight and hit either reply or the floating ‘Quote’ button that appears, it does all the work for you. there are other methods, but that is the easiest.

that is something we will likely never know, and honestly don’t need to know. i hope if he is conflicted he comes to realize that while some things he has done are nasty, others like perhaps wanting a rompin’ sex life are normal. i am with dan savage on this one, we shouldn’t presume to know the circumstances behind people showing up on that data dump.


So, you are proposing mandatory happiness?

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Like that?
Like this:

[quote="faithnomore, post:73, topic:64173"]
Edit: BTW, how do I do the nifty grey-scale indent when I'm quoting?

(I just highlighted the text and hit the ’ "quote reply’ button that showed up.)

To get this, I just put 4 spaces before each line.
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Actually, damn me for replying w/o reading the next post!


In the happy hut?

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My new screen saver!



Thanks for your post.

I wonder what the chances are that this turns him on? I mean, the guy is already diddling his sisters as a teen…

Seriously, media outlets are refusing to discuss that he’s a rapist alongside this “infidelity”.

But even after his confession he gets more respect than his victims.


Now now, he said he was very sorry.

It looks like (shock!) Josh wasn’t the only public advocate for family values who had an account.