Two candidates battle public school yoga program

Oh we kept it going straight to graduation, though the cruelty mostly petered out after junior high. And getting “disqualified” or held out for a round isn’t a lot of deterrent, as we had that rule as well. When you can send a kid to get stitches in his face (a thing that happened multiple times), and the only punishment is sitting out the rest of the game (as opposed to a call to the cops) people tend to hold their agression till dodge ball time.

And we were a pretty small school too, ~1000 students k-12. Average graduating class size was 80-100 kids.

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Send all the kids through a Landmark Forum seminar instead.

I thought that was the “board of education.”

Usually those opposed are Christian fundamentalist extremists who see yoga as competition to their religious beliefs, even though most types of yoga as taught in America are non-spiritual. They feel their religion is threatened and don’t want any competing influences in public school that may oppose their beliefs. I think the same thing happened a year or two ago in the San Diego area.

update: same place, actually: “…attorney Dean Broyles, president of the Escondido–based National Center for Law & Policy, argued that the very act of practicing yoga could lead to interest in Hinduism and other Eastern beliefs.”

““This is frankly the clearest case of the state trampling on the religious freedom rights of citizens that I have personally witnessed in my 18 years of practice as a constitutional attorney,” Broyles said.” 4/2014

"The National Center for Law & Policy is a conservative Christian[1] non-profit law firm that “focuses on the protection and promotion of religious freedom, the sanctity of life, traditional marriage, parental rights, and other civil liberties.” [2] Its president is Dean Broyles.


Since it’s a public institution, I don’t know whether this math works out but a good guestimate for how much it costs to employ someone is ~2x their annual salary. 500K is roughly 5.5 instructors working for 45K/year (or slightly more than 7 instructors at 35K).

Guarantee you they’re already paying more on competitive sports even if they have none of private companies’ associated employment costs.

You’d think they could stretch any budget to include yoga? Unless the yoga instructor was a total poser… :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:



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