Two taxonomies of Trump tweets

I didn’t say anything about treason or impeachment. I’m just shocked that there’s no penalty at all. Other than the pangs of conscience. (Read: no penalty at all.)


Hmmm… interesting. Wasn’t there a campaign promise about harder laws for saying mean things without evidence?

“That’s not how the law works – you can’t report a rumor if it’s not true and it damages someone’s reputation,” countered Trump’s lawyer, Charles Harder. “The job of a reporter is to vet a story before it’s published.”

You can’t just say anything you want about someone, especially when it causes them harm,” Harder added.

[Emphasis mine]



I’ll have you know it’s “stupidester”.


Well, the weird thing about this is that Trump is asking Congress to investigate the Executive branch. . . his own office. He doesn’t need to, he’s the President, he can just investigate it himself. Nevertheless, he claims he has “proof” so why not just show us the proof, why investigate?

But anyway, Trump has done business with the mafia, and he has been in bed with Russian oligarchs for years, of course he’d be the subject of a wiretap. It could be the FBI, or even just the state of NY, and if it was authorized by a judge then they have evidence that convinced a judge to allow it. So then it’s not illegal, and not something Obama would have been involved with.

[EDIT: maybe I’m mistaken, and Donald hasn’t necessarily claimed he has “proof”-- looking for that now, but so far he seems to be citing something he saw on Breitbart, maybe he thinks that counts as

[FURTHER EDIT: OK, Trump tweeted “I’d bet a good lawyer could make a great case out of the fact that President Obama was tapping my phones in October”-- so he thinks it’s a “fact”, despite offering no evidence.]


I’m assuming that no one tapped his phones, regardless of his many shady dealings

Oh, Donald. Referring to “facts”? In an alternative-fact, post-truth-era? Sad…

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That’s because taxonomies are very, very, important.

This is the thing about Trump. A normal person who hears this stuff tries to make sense of the senseless. We want to think that somewhere, if we parse all the outbursts something has to be there. Somewhere.
Reminds me when we first moved to San Diego and we took some visitors to Ocean Beach to get burgers at Hodad’s.
Those are good burgers.
BTW, anyone that knows the city will be able to envision this scene instantly:
We were walking down Newport talking to each other and someone said something to me on the street but I didn’t catch it. I thought they were directing a question directly to me, so I turned to her and said, “I’m sorry, what was that?” She then said “the sand is on fire and there are ants living on the moon.” Or something to that effect.
Ah, right. Carry on, then.
This is our president. He’s spewing words, but they’re nonsense. That poor woman 15 years ago probably would have made a better president…


I would skip “stupid” and end with “Full-Idiocracy”

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A massive waste of time and taxpayer dollars.


“I need this complex heart surgery, but surgeons are too emotionally distant, so I think I’ll get this nice candy striper to do it. Nor do I choose to believe the ugly evidence that she’s actually a 70-year-old sex offender who disguised himself in order to touch the coma patients’ boobs”


Yeah, outsmarting Turmp is not the strategy we need. Brain-users were always smarter than him, that’s why he beat us. He represents the anti-thought constituency because he is a genuine native of it. If he were a secret brain-user, they’d smell it on him and reject him the way they rejected Hillary.


I’ve been seeing media outlets start to treat his tweets the way they ought to be treated. They say things like, “How can anyone take him seriously now?” or “I don’t think he understands that he’s made a very serious allegation here.”

It doesn’t matter if he’s smart or not. He just doesn’t know that actions even have consequences at all. It’s totally outside of his experience.

I saw someone say yesterday that people try to act like Trump is playing 5D chess in his mind when really he just has no impulse control. I’m pretty sure the latter taxonomy is a lot more accurate, but I’m also pretty sure that it doesn’t matter. Obviously American democracy is very vulnerable to narcissists taking over. Watching the courts, the media and the public react to Trump I have some hope that rather than collapsing, we are seeing a long-slumbering immune response kick in.


For a proper taxonomy, don’t you need a large board, lots of pins, and a killing jar?


Yeah, this is my issue with the response to this tweet. It’s probably totally true that under Obama’s tenure, Trump Tower was wiretapped. I know that I wouldn’t take “Well, yeah but it wasn’t him personally doing/ordering the tapping” if we were talking about GWB. In fact I didn’t the many time that that happened during Bush’s administration. Some evil would occur, and folks would say “Bush is evil, look what he did” with a counter that “it’s not him, it’s the government!” with a counter-counter that “it doesn’t matter, it’s his house, and why shouldn’t we assume he had his hand secretly on the lever.” I’ll admit to my own partisan biases and say I was definitely on the side of the latter group.

The more this is laughed off as a crazy conspiracy theory, the worse it will look when it turns out to be partially, if-you-squint-at-it, technically true. To me, the appropriate response is to say clearly (if it’s true that he was tapped during this time): “Yes, during Obama’s administration, wiretaps were active in Trump Tower. Here’s why. I guess you can spin it as some kind of political vendetta, but you don’t really need to, he was definitely up to specific shadiness A, B and C

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A yuge board and gold pins, really the best pins.
(Killing jar made in bankrolled by Russia, obvs.)

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“Wiretapping Trump Tower” isn’t the same as “tapping calls between Russia and Trump Tower.”

Hey - Mark Levin has it all figured out.

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