Two US citizens detained by a Border Patrol agent for speaking Spanish

Technically, “Scullion male goat”. I guess more along the lines of “lowest class of worker, cuckolded guy” as “cabron” seems to be the slang equivalent of the teaGOP “cuck”…

But yeah, people use it for everything. I’ve heard it used when someone was cursing at soap he dropped while grooming a dog “Pinche fucking cabron soap!”. But then, said same guy couldn’t say any sentence without swearing. I really liked him :slight_smile:


Did you just racially profile him?

I was thinking I’d seen that on a license plate, but no, it was chingon.

I’ve learned that Spanish and Amharic words for types of bread – panocha and dabo, respectively – have the same slang meaning (vulva).

And Montana had no speed limits - with such low population density there would be low probability of collisions.
As for tourism, the tourists would get out of the state as fast as possible.

Not exactly. I mean, yea, if you go by the original meaning, cabrón, that is, tha male goat, was used for the cuckolded husband.

But almost nobody uses that nowadays (you would use “cornudo”, “horned one”). Cabrón has become just any asshole. Bit like “Bastard” is now any asshole, not just those born out of wedlock.

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