Originally published at: Uber and Lyft to pay $328 million for stealing from their drivers | Boing Boing
I’m pretty sure wage theft is inherent in the business model of most gig economy businesses.
If I stole millions of dollars and my only punishment for getting caught was to give the money back, I’d then go steal some more.
Society needs to create real deterrents for companies that steal from workers. The cost should be large enough to terrify every other company that would consider doing the same.
Wage theft is by far the largest form of theft in the US and Canada, by an order of magnitude. But for some reason our politicians talk about petty theft as a major issue, and rarely or never mention wage theft.
Things that make you go hmmm.
…and I’d make certain that I had a relative that was an attorney since, if past history is anything to go by, the lion’s share of the money will go to the attorneys and NOT to the drivers.
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