UK Apostrophe Protection Society surrender's, saying "ignorance and lazines's have won"

Which bird? That one over there? All birds in view? All barn swallows? All birds everywhere?


My hand gestures didn’t translates through this medium. I, like future generations, communicate by a series of grunts and pointing.

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The boid is on the wing,
But that’s absoid
The wing is on the boid.


How I learned it (I memorized a lot of poetry as a child, both serious and light-hearted):

Spring, Spring, beautiful Spring
All the birds are on the wing.
My, my, how absurd
I thought the wings were on the bird.


What do all barns swallow?

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I think I remember seeing it as da boid and dat’s absoid but I can’t be sure

It is one of the few poems I can recall apart from odd snatches (I was forced to learn Kubla Khan at school, the forcing kind of set me against poetry, which I regret now).


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