UK bigotry party hates Time Lords, too


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“hates Time Lords”

Shit. He’s found our common ground.

-Performs cleansing ritual-

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My view from this side of the pond is probably skewed by the fact that we only see BBC if it is either successful enough, or cult classic enough, to make it over; and either buy or pirate a la carte, rather than paying The Beeb Tax, so I must ask:

Is Nigel’s “Slash the BBC” position a populist play? Is there a considerable contingent down the pub who think that they are paying too much and getting too little(or the wrong stuff) from the BBC? Is this a consistent(with his desire to cut assorted other government spending); but probably not terribly winning issue?

Is the BBC a soft target, or is this one of those ‘Gaffe, Noun, the act of accidentally telling the truth’ situations?

Among 'Kippers, the ‘abolish the Hated BBC Tax!!!1!ONE!!!ELEVEN!’ quotient is fairly high, just like they don’t like paying road tax, council tax, or, indeed, any tax in case it goes to wimmin or dirty foreigns. Most people quite like it, and it does produce some quality TV, though so does every other station, along with the dross. I used to be a staunch supporter of the BBC, but since they’ve turned into Cameron’s very own PRAVDA, they can go die in a hole like every other TV broadcaster will shortly.

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But the ones listed make money. Cancelling those is just dim. Especially if you’re all about the Anglosphere.

But I think Fromage is just saying stuff to get mentioned. At least it detracts from Miliband’s Moses tablet.


So this is English for Tea Party?


Pretty much, yeah.

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That’s the oddest thing about this, as far as I can tell as an American. As far as I understand it the beeb is is pretty profitable, both in Britain and internationally. So much so that a lot of its approach has become the default approach used my most cable networks in places like the US. Now some of that profitability, and stability is of course driven by the license fee. In the same way that cable/subscription networks make a fair bit and are stabilized by subscription fees. But that license fee is roughly in line with what you’d pay to add a “premium” network to a cable or satellite package, and far less than you’d have to pay to get even a basic package deal from either. So while maybe that could stand to go down a bit, the only thing making that feasible is the profitability of all those popular shows. Running multiple TV and radio networks is costly, so without the profitable popular programs to drive ad sales, merch and what have you might very well have to RAISE the license fee to keep things going. Or otherwise subsidize it to a greater level.

Though I suppose that’s really just the same sort of ill thought out “public TV bad” thinking we get in the US. PBS needs to die because it doesn’t produce significant programming or make anything approaching a self sustaining amount of money. But it can’t do that because its public funding as been cut so much (without allowing any new revenue stream to supplant that) that it can’t afford to produce programming of sufficient quality to generate viewership or revenue. So you deliberately neuter public TV, then argue for its destruction because neutered public TV seems pointless.

So Falange has said he would cancel Doctor Who.

Has Michael Grade made any comments that he will leave the Conservative Party to join Ukip?

There’s one difference: Ukip has somehow managed to persuade some gullible people that they are left wing, despite all the evidence to the contrary.

After the last few seasons that isn’t such a bad idea at all.

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