UK minister compares adblocking to piracy, promises action

Well sure, except then we’d never be able to fill the available positions due to lack of viable candidates. (Assuming that the markers are used for exclusion, of course, and not as a requirement criteria which seems to be the current situation.)


Unless I really missed something in the overview of their history; these are the sort of ‘libertarians’ who would line up to endorse pretty much whatever restrictions you want if they can be put in the form of a contract of adhesion with an ostensibly private-sector entity(so long as it isn’t a labor union).

The show of concern over cricketers’ “freedom to trade” being infringed on by sanctions against Apartheid South Africa was particularly classy.

Aside from their specific fetish for the Magna Carta(odd enough in itself, given the…less than entirely libertarian…bent of the document for anyone who isn’t a nobleman fairly specifically pissed off at an incompetent monarch); they appear to be the same flavor of ‘libertarian’ who tots up lists of countries-by-degree-of-freedom based entirely on how minimal the restrictions on foreign investment are; rather than how full the secret police’s torture cellar is.


At least in the US, that’s SOP when “engaging the stakeholders”. Makes about as much sense as accusing people who can’t afford shirts of ‘having no skin in the game’; but they do that too.


The “users”, or more accurately, the “product” being sold to advertisers by publishers, are not relevant in this conversation.


If the websites include code to prevent those with adblockers accessing content fine but making it illegal that’s more than step too far.

Well, they can make any law. The problem will then become the reality not wanting to comply.

I for one don’t see how I’d obey such crap and subject myself to e-threats and blinking dancing animated annoyances.

Seems like someone had a sudden windfall of sweet lobbyist money …


This guy is a bag of dildos. What does he think pirates are anyway?

No no no, he compared the people who use their product to pirates.

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Okay, so if I recall correctly, Black Mirror episode one featured the British Prime Minister having sex with a pig.

Black Mirror episode two featured a future where you had to pay to not look at ads and if you closed your eyes a buzzer would go off telling you to watch.

I guess I had better go back to watch the rest of that show to see what else the actual future has in store.


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