UK Prime Minister proposes one last Brexit deal to Europe

I feel like if the Lib Dems hadn’t been so actively hostile to the idea of Corbyn as PM there’d be more there, but I’m genuinely worried that the next election ends up giving Labour or the tories a minority and clarifying nothing.


Uh, why did Teresa May have to invoke article 50 (formally triggering Brexit process with the EU) before they actually had a feasible plan to implement it? When you want to leave a plane, for example, you don’t open the hatch when it is mid-air. Politically, couldn’t she have waited until a plan was formed? (Whats the worst that could happen? She’d lose her post as prime minister? We’d be in late 2019 with no feasible plan? Both have already happened.) If she (or the next government or the next) cannot form a plan, tough-- you cannot leave a plane until it has landed.


Brexit was always about politics internal to the Tories. I think May had to invoke 50 to shore up support within the party to effectively lead. Of course that didn’t work out at all. Still, I think that was why it was done, even if it was a stupid reason and, in the end, a failure.



Because May is, and has always been, an authoritarian. She was approached by the other parties when this whole farce started to work together to get a plan in motion but she was having none of it. Towards the end of her time she did capitulate slightly but by then it was too late and she wouldn’t compromise her red lines anyway. I’d say worst PM in our lifetime but bojo said “hold my beer” and promptly found himself on the bad side of the supreme court and has a 100% failure record in the house of commons.


Yeah, no kidding. May might have gone down in history as the worst ever, but instead people are probably already wishing they had May back.*

* Not really.


Oh, de Pfeffel, if things work out you’ll be packing your bags and walking out of 10 Downing Street before then.


Lying git lies. If you don’t tell people what you want, how can they know whether they have given it to you or not?


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