UK tabloid warns of home invasions by horny spiders

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Tarantula mating season on the Mojave Desert gets pretty hairy, too.


UK tabloid, you can just say spiders. All spiders are horny, all the time. Also, those eight legs go all the way up :wink:


They’re specifically talking about these little champs

Of which July to Oct is their randy season, so they’re technically not wrong :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


For a minute there I thought I’d read that they were previously in the genus Targaryen.

When my wife bought that house for her daughter, we found that the previous occupant had clearly believed horse-chestnuts discourage spiders. They don’t - uness your aim is REALLY good. There were horse-chestnuts in every corner, and my step-daughter was still finding them months later. Currently I’m having problems with fruit-flies, which have already spoiled one batch of sourdough starter. So, spiders, welcome in, and eat all you can!


Also, it’s August. That’s the time when the London press tends to stop scraping the bottom of the barrel, and starts instead to tunnel below it:


Ok put this comment under “everything in Australia will kill you”. I had a huntsman spider drop off my ceiling onto a carpeted floor and I HEARD it… also i could see it’s face!

I do have a phobia for these bastards.


When my kids were little we’d always celebrate the appearance of a huntsman on the ceiling, and say “oh look, it’s Hunty!” They don’t bother us in the house and the kids learned to respect, but not fear them. When a daughter would appear the next year we’d discuss whether that was Hunty or one of her offspring. They still know to be suitably cautious around unknown spiders or obviously dangerous ones like redbacks, but huntsmen are a known and safe quantity. (Importantly we don’t live in funnel web territory - that might have made me much more cautious.)

These rules go completely out of the window if I find a huntsman in the car when I’m driving. Then I reserve the right to totally freak out and scream like a banshee. (6)

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Yeah, this was in the Daily Star, which along with The Sun and The Daily Mail, basically define gutter press.
And these spiders, while being damned creepy, are at least harmless - we now have an introduced species, the False Widow, which can bite, and in some cases, cause severe side effects in some people.
Any of those I happen to come across get evicted, pronto!

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We always keep a small dish of vinegar, water, dish soap near the fresh fruit, and watch the carnage. It reduces them, but they don’t totally disappear until cold weather comes in.

No worries then. In the fall, time flies like an arrow. :wink:

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Don’t forget the Daily Express. They still insist on using imperial measurements, which is probably a good indicator of the age of the average reader (so hopefully there’s not too many years left for the Express).


I shall try that. Thank you! (Mentally translates “dish soap” to “washing-up liquid”.)

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