this is why I made it explicit ‘if they knew they werne’t supposed to be there.’ Y’know, the core definition of competence to stand trial.
I can nderstand I need to partition information but to make it out as if anyone caught poking around for any reason (and currently I believe most are like those that find a vulnerability and are ‘hey dude I found a thing wrong where can I report it so people with a real agenda can’t get in? Uh… why are you slapping handcuffs on me?’
Give people, spectrum or not, a challenge they feel they can tackle and the idea they’ll get bragging rights or other social credit for the accomplishment and you will be surprised at how scary competent some otherwise shiftless slackers seem to become.
Back in the “dizzay” I used to poke around and find the holes. I would’ve been happy to walk away with an official “Found a Hole” T-shirt. But it doesn’t actually work that way (mostly because they never get around to patching the hole/exploit/kittens). As it’s “trophy culture” one has to show their trophy (bragging rights)… and then as there’s no cash in slacking one then has to monetize the trophy (which then gets caught out due to a bragging rights bread crumb trail).
The best possible defense for Commodore Chimley Sweep Cap is that any info he looked at shouldn’t have been secret to begin with,
Assofaras cracking… give me a cheerleader working on a communications degree and 100 tabs of adderall and she’ll social engineer any system on the planet within five-days without ever touching a keyboard.
I think you’ve placed the cart before the horse, here. “Screwed up” people aren’t necessarily interesting, but interesting people tend to be a bit more bent than your “average” person.
By way of example: 1.5-percent of the population has a food allergy. Around 12-percent claim to have a food allergy… and then proceed to bore us all to tears over their non-existent, fauxtally (fake + totally = fauxtally) life threatening food allergy.
Fauxtism is a real disease. It allows people to fake an actual condition in an effort to derive feelz and sympths. It’s a form of self-inflicted Munchausen by Proxy with the end goal of getting attention.
Whether or not the soon-to-be-extradited Newsies cos-player is autistic remains to be seen. However, autism is not a defense in that it cannot abrogate a person from responsibility in the commission of a crime.
I think generally the UK is a bit too quick to extradite people to the US given that the conditions in prisons over there border on torture by UK standards. But of course to say that would have ramifications on international relations that the government would rather avoid. (You don’t tell the biggest bully in the playground that they’re mean, especially when you’re in a safe position stood behind them most of the time).
That said, if I was facing extradition to the US I’d totally get diagnosed with Aspergers too.