Ukraine: 4 or more U.S. officials were so upset by Trump's pressure on Zelensky, they spoke to W.H. lawyer

Originally published at:


Party Balloon: Trumpian Rhetoric and Coverups
1000 psi (and rising): Contained Facts and Righteous Outrage


And guess who pissed John Bolton off?


We’re not just looking at a Constitutional crisis – we’re looking at a political crisis, tantamount to a civil war. On one side, we have people who view Trump using his office to demand personal political favors from other countries as a fundamental misuse of power. On the other, we have individuals who publicly insist that Trump did nothing wrong. There is no way to reconcile these two stances.


At least now we know why the whole “Moat with Snakes and Alligators” thing came out. It was just something to keep our minds off of the real scandalous behavior that was maybe coming out. Didn’t work this time though. Moats were quickly forgotten when this came out.

Now throw in the withdrawal of our tripwire troops from Syria after he got punked by President Erdogan and he has screwed himself.


“People were trying to figure out what to do, how to get a grasp on the situation.”


I don’t think that’s completely true. Most of the people supporting Trump fall into two categories:

  1. They know it was wrong and illegal and they are lying out of fear
  2. They don’t feel strongly about truth or consistency, but have latched onto Trump as their current authority figure

Both of those positions can be changed if the winds start blowing another way. People who regard facts as facts and who honestly think Trump did nothing wrong are one-in-a-million.


In a sense the “deep state” is real, but it’s not some cabal of anti-Trumpers with an axe to grind, it’s career diplomats and bureaucrats who know the rules and what’s legal and how stuff is supposed to be done. They’re not biased against Trump because of party affiliation, they’re biased against crooks and idiots.


This is what Il Douche will never understand - that the people who came forward did so out of an actual fear for our republic and the rule of law, not because of some kind of political gamesmanship. The idea of having morals and standards is as alien to Donnie as breathing methane.


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