UN: Hundreds of new synthetic psychoactive drugs flooding the globe

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But it is in the interests of the bellends running private prisons.

The obvious hedge is to buy shares in the private prison industry and in the drug supply chain. I question whether you need a physical prison to incarcerate people in, though - in the UK group 4 security sells ankle bracelets to enforce curfews on non-violent offenders. This seems a good solution - charge the government to GPS track the offenders, keep them as semi functional consumers. Prisoners can’t be customers for Strexcorp products.

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Hey kids, remember when we continually lied to you about drugs? Well we promise we’re not lying to you about anything else.




There are enough crazy people taking drugs that any single anecdote isn’t very convincing of showing the drug is causative.

In fact the low incidence of bathsalt face eating zombies makes me think that bath salts are in fact a very weak factor in causing face-eating zombie behavior.

40% of women experience side effects in the first 3 months of oral contraceptive use. 40%!

And the one popular incidence of zombie face eating wasn’t actually caused by bath salts. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bath_salts_(drug)#Health_issues

Sooo… media scare?

The SOLE citation for bath salts causing violence links to an ABC article that is still claiming that bath salts caused the face-eating attack even though the police have denied finding any such evidence.

So no solid citations for bath salts causing violent behavior on wikipedia.

I really don’t want to dig into this further. I have no personal experience or anecdotes on these products, never want to touch them, and have only heard about them on the news in apparently unsubstantiated propaganda.

This rings of the hysteria that existed around marijuana, though bath salts do seem significantly more harmful to a user’s health.

Can we please stop calling them “bath salts?” They are completely unrelated to the scented stuff in a jar by your tub, and misidentifying them as such only leads to uninformed panicky freakouts at Walgreen’s and Bed Bath & Beyond.

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The class of drugs normally referred to in the US as ‘bath salts’ are usually the cathinones, are they not (4-MMC, BK-MDMC, MDPV, and so forth). They are, indeed, fucking horrible, especially MDPV, which makes meth look like a double espresso.

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