Underrated and overrated films (and other general filmy chat)

I just watched The Mist. What a cheery little film that was.


The book was better.



I’d have to bow to the judgement of a King reader. @Donald_Petersen?

I have read very, very little of his. I might try the gunslinger stuff again…

Isn’t a film of The Dark Tower in production?


It was one of the Four Seasons stories. While I haven’t read that story since I was something like 13 years old, the descriptions of the creatures one could just barely make out in the mist stuck with me. The movie just didn’t have a big enough effects budget to do it justice. Oh, and I didn’t hate the fundamentalist enough.


I stumbled on John Carpenter’s The Fog at the library. I had only seen the last 20 minutes or so long ago on tv. It was nice solid ghost/revenge story that was well done for the budget and effects of the time.

I also showed The Blues Brothers to the kid recently. I never realized the tax clerk at the end of the movie was Steven Spielberg.


I didn’t think much of The Fog when I watched it way back when. But I appreciate Carpenter more these days so perhaps I should try it again.


In the sense of a slasher/Halloween movie which was his previous film and a big hit it would be disappointing as it isn’t that. In one of the dvd extras he says he wanted to avoid the gore of Halloween and make something different and The Fog is definitely not a slasher film and not bloody. It is creepy and it builds the tension well.

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I don’t really like Halloween either. Slasher movies really aren’t my cup of tea.

AoP13, EFNY, BTiLC, The Thing, those are the ones I like.

I should watch Dark Star (which I did like but haven’t seen in ages) and Starman again too.


Starman was a nice concept but I found it really badly paced and just kinda boring but I was in high school and didn’t have a lot of taste in film yet at least I went to the $1 theater for it. The Thing is just the best pure paranoia horror I have seen. I still need to AoP13 and would like to see EFNY(St. Louis) again if only to see some of the home town before it all got renovated.

Halloween isn’t really my favorite kind of horror film either but I liked it on a recent watching and it did pretty much define the Hollywood slasher film for a long time.


Honestly, I didn’t see The Mist. I loved the short(ish) story (novella, almost?), and I’d heard some good things about the movie, but for some reason I’ve never bothered to see it. Possibly because I think it’s a story that will always work better in my imagination than visualized on a screen… and that’s a rarity for me. Dunno why.

Yeah, has been for a while. I don’t think I’ll bother. I really liked The Gunslinger, genuinely loved The Drawing of the Three and The Waste Lands, and enjoyed Wizard and Glass, but the post-accident DT books I found increasingly disappointing as they went along. I didn’t bother with the newest one. I used to love King’s writing, but his taste and choices have disengaged with my own in the 21st century, and I don’t usually read his newer books anymore, though I was a day-of-release first-edition buyer in the 80s and 90s.


Did you spot Frank Oz?

Yeah, Carpenter tends to do really well on a low budget. And I think The Thing is nearly flawless.


Frank I knew about from long ago. I need to watch the mall scene again as John Landis is in one of the cop cars.


It’s possible that the two books have been reconfigured but when I read them “The Mist” was in Skeleton Crew.


Was it? It’s been a very, very long time. Nevertheless, my point about the written story being better than Darabont’s interpretation stands.


From wiki:

To get back on topic, I watched Chi-Raq the other day.

That was an odd film. I knew it was based on Aristophanes’ Lysistrata, with which I am not familiar, but I didn’t expect it to have rhyming couplets and be presented in so stagey a manner. An odd little film.


And I suppose you have perfect recollection of everything you read 30 years ago?

Let it go kids.


Sorry, not trying to annoy. I don’t know any of this stuff, I was just digging around.

I’m not the biggest fan of any of Darabont’s King films. I think Shawshank is massively overrated and I fell asleep in The Green Mile, I was so bored by it.

For King films, give me Maximum Overdrive any day.


I’ve tried watching The Green Mile. Emphasis on ‘tried’. I don’t think budgetary issues were the only reason Darabont was fired after season 2 of Walking Dead.

The Shining is the only King movie.


I really liked Christine but that probably had a lot to do with the director as well.
I am now reminded that I paid full price to see Lawnmower Man in the theater… sigh.


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