Starting this morning, I am getting a weird, 0 kB download every time I load the main page. I’m using Chrome on Windows 7 Pro. I’m not getting that from other pages on BB or from other sites.
I get it using Chrome on a Chromebook
But not on an iPad
Yeah, my other box is an iPad Pro, and I’m not getting it there.
All pages or just a specific page?
Just the front page, as far as I can tell.
Thanks, we’re on it. It’s probably a bad ad, which is annoying to track down, but we’re trying!
Just closed out and re-opened, and didn’t get the file. So the occurrences were at 11:43 AM, 11:49, 12:08, 12:18 and 12:18 again. All Pacific Time. All named “download” with no file suffix.
I had two occurrences.
I did not note the time, but the range Duke Trout describes seems to fit.
So far, we’ve seen it as an ad trying to download content from - if anyone can corroborate, we’d appreciate it. Thanks!
I can corroborate that. I got one d/l attempt about an hour ago with the opt to save or cancel.
Possibly unrelated, but a similar problem, but I just got a dialogue box on the BBS, this time trying to open an mp4?
I snapped this immediate after it popped up on my screen.
That looks more like an issue with your setup not being able to play mp4 files in-browser. There’s no advertising on the BBS currently, so it shouldn’t be related.
Appreciate you taking the time to report it, however!
Cool! Thanks!
I’m seeing that too - a file called ‘download’ with no extension was downloaded.
Started looking around and saw this from a while ago. Disabled automatic downloads, Now I get prompted where to save the file.
Not just on home page, saw it on “How to: run a small social network” as well.
Yup, last time about four hours ago , now logging on with a kindle so Don’t know if it is still going on.
Thanks, all - we’ve informed our ad partners and they’re on it.
Went here…
and another d/l attempt popped up. file _cmid=16&ssp=unrulyx
Yes, I’m getting this mystery file as well.
Happened to me again just this moment 14:48 CDT 13 July 2019 while viewing the bOINGbOING home page.
Chrome browser, Windows 10 OS (fully updated)
file _cmid=16&ssp=unrulyx download attempt happened again – one followed by another within seconds of the other – this morning.
Note: my os is win10.