UPDATED: Without warning, after hours, House GOP dismantles ethics watchdog

I doubt Trump supporters are going to “say this is a good thing”, especially not now that their Leader has tweeted against it. Republican partisans will rejoice and they are not Trump’s friends; they see him as marginally useful and will “respect” him until the first time he fails to sign some vicious piece of “conservative” legislation. Many of them are already speculating about Trump’s impeachment, and the installation of their boy Pence into the office of POTUS.

Congress is an opposing pole of power in Washington now, not a Trump ally per se. People who yearn for a Great Man in the Executive “draining the swamp” aren’t intrinsically fond of Congress. Trump will switch to damning Congress regularly now that they’re the only power center standing in his way. His “base” will be sending hate mail to their Congressmen and Senators at Trump’s cue shortly after he is sworn in.


When does that begin?


Right-o. Because if anything, the GOP is worried so very very very worried about “good people” getting dragged “through the mud”:

Unadulterated liars, sycophants, and hypocrites, all.


I’ve seen a lot more opportunism and cowardice from GOP Congresspeople than I have principled stands and defenses of democratic institutions and norms. It’s only going to get worse after Inauguration Day. They’ve already reduced their standing to check abuses by the executive branch with this move, and any hate mail GOP reps and senators get from his base will be taken as suggestions for “improvement” (assuming they want to get enough Know-Nothing votes to remain in office).

[Speaking of relying on institutions, another reminder that mainstream media will not save us, either: Megyn Kelly Is Said to Be Leaving Fox News for NBC: her own daytime program, an in-depth Sunday night news show and a regular part in the network’s event coverage.]


I’m not sure they care. They think they’ve won and can do as they please, because they have a “mandate” and the way congressional districts are gerrymandered, it’s unlikely to change anytime soon.


Unfortunately, the only victims will be the help.


I’ve seen on the nytimes.com website that this dismantling is withdrawn.


Reversed due in part to Trump’s displeasure about timing not for it’s purpose. We will see attempts to gut the watchdog again.


It’s also discouraging to see how quickly the GOP Congressional “leadership” hops to it when #nextpresident Tweets his disapproval of something. As awful and deserving of withdrawal as this proposal was, that’s not really how checks and balances are supposed to work.


Yep. They rather rather quickly realized that they’d begun a shitstorm, which they were obviously hoping to avoid by doing it in secret. Looks as of now that this won’t happen after all.


I notice that now fox at all are all about crediting Trump for the brave stance.


Is she referring to due process in the court of public opinion? I assume so, since we already have a legal system with reasonable safeguards for due process (for people like Congressfolk, anyway).

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Trump is going to hold onto this one for later…


I wouldn’t be surprised. I also worry that republicans will grab a couple more state legislatures, and call a constitution convention.


Yeah, the hating on DC. I get it. But no. No it wouldn’t be refreshing because it would mean all sorts of death, chaos, and loss, and primarily for the poorest marginalized folks. And I’m gonna throw this in for good measure: if DC disappears tomorrow, and this may come as a surprise to some, the United States of America will be governed from…somewhere else in the United States of America. Contingency plans are a real thing.


The contingency plan I was counting on was the Electoral College and it is/was a fucking joke. A contingency plan to move the center of the US Gov to somewhere else will be a cluster fuck in failure as well. It would be a great time just to split the country into two and let the stupid people have Texas after air lifting Austin to safety.


Texas in 2016 is about as liberal as the Midwest. That happens when massive swaths of the population move between states after a massive recession.

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AKA the small minority of the country that have rigged the electoral system to seize power.


Uh, they didn’t back down because Trump tweeted, that’s bullshit.

They got flooded with phone calls and emails from constituents.


PFM. But to Drumpf and the rest, those are vast hordes.