US gov shutdown is life-or-death for some cancer patients, including children

Sweet Odin. The lack of introspection in these comments scary. I hope people here realize that many of you are essentially screaming “burn the witch!”

I don’t subscribe to the party/partisan model. Tribal behavior seems rather unenlightened to me- although I’m sure it feels oh so good to define an other and blame them. That’s always worked out in the past…

A few things to think about:
If it’s important to keep the CDC/NIH open our political betters could do so. Don’t BS and bring up law/regulation, etc. These people are the epitome of “its better to ask for forgiveness than permission”.

If either side wanted to stop the shut down they could have acquiesced. I’m not advocating for either ridiculous side. But the republicans could have waited and used other methods and the democrats could have accepted the year delay- the admin did offer many waivers and a delay of certain businesses, so apparently the law isn’t as binding as everyone seems to think. Just pointing that out since its doubtful anyone here will.

An entity with a single point of failure is what we have and what most partisans in both parties advocate. Here is one awesome result.

The mob is fickle, remember Robespierre.

Only for cancers caused by being sluts, or by smoking cigarettes purchased with EBT (preferrably while black, the Department Of Kill Whitey imposes a copay otherwise, to fund Obama Youth).

I’m sick of the games on both sides. They only care about themselves.

I’d rather universities with no horse in the race than the pharmaceutical companies who have demonstrated that they can’t always be trusted.

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Now, hey. It sounds to me like you might be blaming the money here, You can’t go round doing that. What would the money do if folks went round doing stuff because they thought it would be right and good, not because they were getting paid? giving stuff away? Now THAT’S Evil, right there.


It’s time to settle down. Harry Reid wants all of us to stop asking these kinds of irresponsible and reckless questions.

BASH: But if you can help one child who has cancer, why wouldn’t you
do it?

REID: Why would we want to do that?

I have 1,100 people at Nellis Air Force base that are sitting home.
They have a few problems of their own. This is — to have someone of
your intelligence to suggest such a thing maybe means you’re
irresponsible and reckless –

BASH: I’m just asking a question.

Since you don’t follow politics or apparently read the news, let me point out what’s been happening. The largest, richest, most technologically advanced country on the planet has a ridiculous number of people who have limited or no access to health care, unlike the rest of the developed world. A modest program, which will help significantly more than it’ll hurt, and already has led to some advances, after decades of effort, has been passed. The Republican opposition, realizing it will be popular when enacted, and concerned that it may conceivably lead to a larger tax burden among the affluent, or even to a more expensive single payer universal health program, has been on a campaign of disinformation since the start. If you believe that following a year delay, the Republicans will stop their campaign and allow the program to be rolled out, you are a naive flower, unexposed to the actual world. A year delay is an attempt to prevent it. But stay up on your high horse, keep assuming that your precious naivete is the righteous path, and don’t actually look at the details of the ACA. Should you find yourself unemployed and sick in the US, or employed and finding your insurance isn’t all it’s cracked up to be, I’m sure the fact you didn’t take sides in unseemly squabbling will be an endless source of comfort.


I would by no means suggest that universities can be absolutely trusted, either. We have had plenty of examples in recent years. (Yes, yes, we all know true blue academics. But they have never been enough to make it stop before…)

There have even been instances where professors and physicians in university-associated hospitals get paid to testify against patients in civil cases. The fees collected then go back into the university coffers.

As long as there’s money in the game, it’s going to get gamed, period. I suppose, the real question is really only one of who’s going to game it how…

You left this out:

HARRY REID: Listen, Sen. Durbin explained that very well, and he did it here, did it on the floor earlier, as did Sen. Schumer. What right did they have to pick and choose what part of government is going to be funded? It’s obvious what’s going on here. You talk about reckless and irresponsible. Wow. What this is all about is Obamacare. They are obsessed. I don’t know what other word I can use. They’re obsessed with this Obamacare. It’s working now and it will continue to work and people will love it more than they do now by far. So they have no right to pick and choose.

Unfortunately I do follow the news.

Assertion. How do you know these this to be true. Markets are very complex until the law plays out no one knows if it will lead to better health outcomes.

There are many reasons people oppose the ACA.

Yes the republicans want to prevent the ACA from becoming a working law. So what? That’s how politics work.

You’re very rude. I am a more ethical person than people who advocate more state control. Both major parties are authoritarian. If you support either so are you. You may think that the ends justify the means but even if this is true you can’t have foreknowledge of the results/ends. So unethical means are unethical until proven otherwise.
I do take a side. Leave people the hell alone, let them decide how to run their lives, where to spend their money, what endeavors they’d like to support. I don’t pretend to knowledge I don’t have. Nor do I think forcing others to support my preferences, even if with good intentions, is virtuous.

Yeah, my policy was a fairly high deductible one *I’m self-employeed. But it had multiple physician visits per year, prescription benefits, emergency room benefits, ambulance, all sorts of things. Was $150 per month. Now $250, sweet!

Think about it like this: people might not die in poverty cos they get sick.
(well, they probably still will, cos every last asshole with anything to do with it refuses to have a national health service, but whatevs)

But see, I am also self pay on insurance, with a very high deductible and no coverage, essentially. I never even submitted a visit and yet spent thousands of dollars paying for other people’s care. My rate has gone up. It will NEVER be rolled back. When do I actually get to use the healthcare part of insurance? Killing the act now will only make it worse for those of us who have been held hostage by insurance companies and their runaway rates. Again, if the Health act is killed, the rates will not go down. The genie is out of the bottle.

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There are numerous examples of working socialized medicine. It’s not reinventing the wheel, it’s importing it. I am angered by this, and was rude, and was about to apologize until I got to the part about state control. Now I’m just amused. There are many examples of failed states, if you believe the government is the big bad, and no examples of working government free societies.
I’m a health care provider. I’ve seen a lot of people with the plans like yours that were great, until they tried to use them. The insurance companies, without the ACA, has been routinely trebling rates. They do this because they can. This has nothing to do with the ACA, except now the insurance companies are forced to spend a higher percentage of their money on your actual health care, and have a harder time weaseling out of treating you. I hope you don’t get sick, and find out more about insurance than you know now.


Yeah, insurance companies have you paying for other people’s care, and when your time is up at bat, it’s pathetic that you then have to pay MORE out of pocket just to go see a doctor. I have experienced this first hand, in this lovely free market approach.

So you’re saying we don’t live in a free society?

I’ve used it. Seems to work fine.

Sure, companies want to maximize profit. As for whether the ACA was involved remember that companies have to forecast years ahead. Catastrophic insurance has always been reasonable. It’s the plans that cover just about everything that continue to rise.

I’ve had plenty of experience with insurance both for myself and friends/family.

Working government-free society, smartass.

I’ve treated thousands of patients over 13 years, am a provider for >6 independent insurance companies, each of which have multiple insurance products, as well as being a medicare and medicaid provider. But surely your experience of using your own insurance and helping your family with theirs trumps my knowledge base.

The problem with catastrophic insurance is that it often isn’t that helpful in cases of catastrophe. And not covering preventive care leads to increased incidence of catastrophe, which is more expensive for all of us, especially if you’re underinsured.


Because it looks like the treatments are also part of a trial. We do trials when we don’t really know what to do for the best, so that future patients will benefit when we find out. The current ‘trial’ patients may or may not benefit from the treatment (although they frequently do, google ‘Hawthorne Effect’) but the trial will fail utterly if it’s done in a half-arsed fashion and then we’re still left not knowing what to do. Therefore it’s unethical to continue trial treatment when it isn’t possible to follow the protocol fully. Emergency situations are different.

This is just another example of the shutdown only being applied to useful stuff, while leaving all the shitty government functions that benefit the military-industrial complex intact …


Both side of what? Do you really think parties make any difference?

They’re ALL 1%ers an we 99%ers don’t matter worth a damn.

Like Carlin said, “***Its a club, and you ain’t in it.***”


I’m sure there’ll be Republicans and Libertarians that claim this just all goes to show that we’re too dependent on government for services, etc. and should rely on corporations for all of these services instead.

But, the real message is that we need to get corporatists and libertarians who can’t govern worth a shit out of our government. Republicans, if you hate government so much, stay the fuck out of it.

Republicans are like the asshole clerk at the store that keeps complaining about their job but works there for years on end anyway. Time to send these assholes packing.


October 1st begins the new year. If there’s no budget, then there’s NO budget.