US intel chief James Clapper: journalists reporting on leaked Snowden NSA docs “accomplices” to crime

Here’s a tip: if you start using hyperbole to justify a count of treason, then it isn’t treason. And your claim that the NSA is levying war against NIST is beyond hyperbole. My discussion with you is over. You are not willing to argue like an adult.


what is hyperbole there? seriously. they launched a sabotage operation aimed at them. that’s legitimately an act of war. like straight up.

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This asshole should be indicted posthaste for his lying under oath and his violation of the Constitution. What, there’s not enough of a smoking gun for congress?

Good thing his boss is busy addressing the huge minimum wage crisis that threatens to destroy our nation. Christ.

I’d like to point out that Clapper doesn’t actually have the authority to seize reporters and throw them in the oubilette. Because of that, he’s just voicing an opinion. I don’t think it’s “chilling” at all. If I was Greenwald I would be laughing at his tears of impotent rage.

The president asserts his unrestricted, unlimited, unsupervised, unreviewable power to murder American citizens on his say so.

Clapper has admitted under oath that he committed perjury and he’s not in prison.

This administration has a number of good attributes, but it is pretty clear that as long as we’re talking about turrism, there’s no such thing as a crime (if you’re in the government), pretty much anything can be a crime if you’re not, and this policy will last until the end of time.

It isn’t hard to figure out a motivation. “Do anything to prevent another 9/11 from occurring on my watch.” That’s not going to happen to be peculiar to Obama, he just happens to be first in line.

Denying treason? That’s treason bro!

I guess you better arrest them all, huh?

That will go over well.

He’s not wrong. If your complaint is sufficient without the hyperbole, why use it?

People used to ‘worship’ the police chief in my hometown. He had a lot of dirt on a lot of people.


Look up the word “tantamount” please.

there’s no hyperbole? what are you talking about?

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If they don’t know what he has, how would they know that he “returned” everything?

perjury by a DoD employee to Congress is two things. 1) it is Congress’ business to prosecute or not, and B) it is not treason

As if this [expletive deleted] has any business telling us what a crime is.

Clapper - you swore to uphold the constitution, you treasonous turd.

[Mod edit: Removed unnecessary offensive language. - Falcor]

Kimmo edit: When it comes to Clapper, how could offensive language possibly not be necessary?

Except Charles Carreon… Whatever happened to that guy? I haven’t broken out the popcorn bowl in a while now.

I feel like I am in a room full of people who entirely missed Iran-Contra.

Folks, the DoD is occasionally called in front of congress specifically to lie to them and us. Sometimes Congress is even in on it. It’s not right. It’s also not treason.

So before we start calling for the killing of people (Treason is a capital offense, after all, and when you trot it our for effect, you are attempting to incite state violence on another person), lets do some more fact gathering, and check our mirrors.

That’s a pretty ballsy claim for someone who’s perjured themselves before Congress. Are we sure somebody didn’t secretly replace the real General Clapper with Baghdad Bob?

The director of the NSA needs to direct the agency to investigate this Clapper character. From what I’ve read and seen, it looks like he is a powerful criminal mastermind who works daily to destroy the very fabric of this nation by circumventing and eroding the basic liberties afforded to all people by the Constitution and its Bill of Rights. He has also been found to lie to our lawmakers and judges about his ‘organizations’ activities all the while funneling billions if not trillions of tax payer dollars to his gang of thugs. This Clapper character is also a terrorist who intimidates our free press with abduction and loss of liberty.
From where I sit, it seems he is the most active terrorist in the world today. Osama Bin Laden didn’t have a tenth the power of Clapper. Maybe we should drone strike his terrorist butt.

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I wish we would. Write your congresspersons the next time he takes a trip to Yemen or Pakistan.

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That’s the part that stuck out in my reading as well. It is a comical misunderstanding of documents, even in the old photocopier era. Heck, even the old “return the negatives” never ensured that there wasn’t a print or ten made before the negatives were returned.

Clapper has mistaken the message with the page it was written on. He is demanding the bottle be returned although the wine has been poured into other glasses and downed.

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