Originally published at: US issues first passport with "X" gender marker | Boing Boing
Next step - just remove the gender designation. You have the person’s picture right there.
Or just dump passports altogether.
That gender thing seems… simpler, plus you don’t have to get the whole world to agree?
I agree. What’s the purpose of a gender on a passport, or on a driver’s licence?
I mean, a person can dream. Passports are just around 100 years old as a concept in the first place, and while I get that the idea of dumping them entirely is naive given modern nation-states, I can still dream.
But yes, all that aside, this is a MASSIVE step forward and I’m happy with it.
On one hand I applaud this move, but on the other - will this end up resulting in harassment (or worse) of individuals designated as X in certain countries?
OK, so are the asshol-ish, authoritative, you-must-respect-mah-authoritah TSA agents going to get the proper training that this is now a thing?
Why an X though?
Why not “N” for Nunnayagoddam Business
I like to think it’s X for “X-actly what I say it is”
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