USDA approves shipping slaughtered chicken to China and back, says you can eat it

Slaughtered, frozen, packed, loaded, trucked, shipped across the Pacific… then trucked, unloaded, unpacked, thawed, processed, refrozen, repacked, loaded, trucked, shipped back across the Pacific… then unloaded, trucked to grocery stores, unpacked and sold.

AKA farm to table.


Slave. Labor.

I know some chicken plants stateside will use prison “work program” labor.


wait… there are giant off shore floating Chinese lumber yards? Like something out of water world meets the Lorax?


It’s because perfect information is the cornerstone of the free market. (Though perfect for whom?)

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You’re assuming that the chicken that comes back is the same chicken as the chicken that went over. Probably not. Probably Chinese consumers get a good deal on healthy American-raised chicken (they know enough not to eat their own), and American consumers get - God knows what. They’ll be lucky if it’s even actually chicken.


“Chicken of the Sea?”


I can see them raising the price to make it comparable, so it’ll be even harder to distinguish. Because yeah, I would avoid it too.


If they did that i would just stop eating chicken altogether. Not a big deal for me because i try to eat vegetarian when i can, but it’d definitely negatively impact the average that doesn’t know about this or can’t afford to shop around.


Hmm. No inspectors to insure that the shipping containers were kept in a refrigerated hold at the proper temperature, both ways?

Isn’t the frozen chicken market already a mess of smoldering fires of recalls and food poisoning?

“Shut up and eat it!”


Parts was parts.

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It seems that “reefers” (refrigerated shipping containers) are a thing. They need to be plugged to an external electrical power source to maintain temperature.


My cynicism has expanded to any item from China.

With that said, you’re not really taking into account refrigeration both ways and the cost of ground shipping from the farms to the ships. Those two, plus using very low-end estimates for domestic processing, very likely eliminates any significant margin.


I’m sure it’s ok and will be properly proceeds with ammonia to kill off everything.

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I’ve gotten extremely sick (food poisoning, etc.) every time I’ve gone to Mainland China.


My sympathies. This was an enormous problem, and as a vet who saw cases of melamine poisoning, it was horrendous.

I was so amazingly pissed until the same thing happened, but with baby formula… intended for China’s domestic market. Then I just felt really sad. This is a system so broken that it’s not just sending adulterated/poisoned treats for pets in someone else’s country. The same thing happened, but for their own babies. I can’t even fathom how messed up that is.


Thankfully, I live a block away from a Gus’s Fried Chicken. They are really picky about the birds they use. Also, this kind of reminds me of a can of meat I got from a food pantry that was simply labeled “Meat”. From Brazil. I knew of no one brave enough to even open the damned thing.


Perhaps I’m just being a cynic, but suppose that members of the current administration felt that most workers in those factories were brown skinned and potentially Latino/Latina…might motivate them to cut those jobs.

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Well, technically you “can” eat a lot of things…