✌ Victory! ✌

Last night, driving home on the freeway, I noticed the SUV in front of me didn’t have any running lights on. I saw the plate said Alberta (we get LOTS of Canadians on vacation in western Washington), so I decided to try and pull them over.

I flashed my highbeams at them with my right turn signal on. I followed them for about a quarter mile doing this, and they eventually pulled over.

Turned out it was an older Québécois man maybe 60, and I assume his wife and daughter. I approached them with my hands clearly visible and just said “you need to turn on your lights”. I noticed the smell of definitely pot coming from the car, but the guy seems plenty lucid, and the young woman in the back was sitting on her hands.

The guy said “It’s a rental, I’m not acquainted with the configuration”.

I turned on his lights for him, turned and went back to my car and we went our separate ways.

I’m so glad I got to him before any cops did.

Sure, it’s legal to be high in public here, and you can go to a store and buy pot as long as you’re over 21, but driving with pot smell is a big no-no, the cops will not be nice if they think anyone in your car is high, and the State highway patrol is much more strict than town cops.