Vaccine-caused illness cured by hidden TV cameras

There’s another way to read that, and I did.


Giving up pejorative terms that imply disgust in favour of descriptive terms that don’t convey judgement is an arduous burden. I can see why people hang onto a words they prefer rather than adopting terms that groups choose for themselves. The change is just too much to bear.

“Attention whore” is an insult because it compares people to sex workers. Sex workers are seen as degraded, so being compared to one is an insult. It’s no different than calling someone a “fag” because you think they are weak or even a “jew” because you think they are dishonest. It reinforces a negative stereotype of a group.

I know that there are still a lot of people who don’t have a problem with that because, basically, they think that sex-work is wrong and that it’s fine to stereotype them. I think that the disdain we heap on sex workers reflects our hung-up attitudes about sex in general and we all ought to be trying to get over it.


So, you are saying there is no way to win this verbal three-card-monte from the fish’s viewpoint?

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Thanks @Thrower and @IronEdithKidd; I felt sorry for her when they said they “secretly taped her for weeks” with “hidden TV cameras,” but it’s not quite so bad when they’re just filming her walking around outside.


Yes, because it’s offensive to flashy prostitutes, and those who have, after a short reflection, decided that flashy prostitutes are people, too.

edit: It really didn’t take all that much reflection.


Good points well made, however I’m not sure I totally agree.

At the very least ‘attention Jew’ doesn’t have the same ring to it!

Seriously though the phrase is about having a ferocity for attention (the way a sex worker might have a ferocity for sex). I don’t think it’s necessarily degrading in the way you describe.

If sex workers find the phrase unpleasant then I’m happy to avoid it - but this does ring a little of concern trolling.


Sex workers don’t, as a rule, have a ferocity for sex, as they are people, and exhibit characteristics across the spectrum. Your continued defense of this slur is weird.


I think I know who her new doctor is:


The trick is you gotta use animals:

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Sorry I’m trying to understand why I should eliminate a phrase from my vocabulary, I’m happy to do so, I have no intention of insulting bystanders.

I used to have the opinion that many sex workers where victims, however after being repeatedly told that it’s a sex-positive thing and that many workers very much enjoy what they do I guess I don’t see likening someone to a prostitute as such an offensive act as yourself.

The opinion of sex workers is the only I care about here tbh!

Back on topic; that hominid is a darn tootin attention seeker!


This sounds like the kind of research my liver needs!

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You seem to be simultaneously using this slur and claiming it isn’t one. This is dishonest.

Also, you can stop now and continue your streak of (probably) being an okay person. Unless, obviously, you understand that this is a hurtful behaviour but keep on keeping on.


[original post deleted for irrelevance]


Isn’t this 6+ years old at this point?

I mean the dubstep remix was posted to youtube May, 2010…


We just disagree about what the phrase means, apparently. The insult I was directing at jelly-legs was one of narcissism, I wasn’t slut-shaming her.

But yes I can see how one might take offence, and at the very least ‘whore’ is hardly a complimentary choice.

I invite appropriate alternatives. And I hope the best is immortalised in gif format.

Sorry if I tarnished your browsing experience.


Invented conditions self select for brash and dumb.

There really isn’t any good way to call people names. Feel free to call out shitty behaviors, though.


Part of being a better person involves not staying married to regressive turns of phrase, even and especially to describe loathsome persons.


That’s very defeatist.

Attention Gobbler?

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Peace, neighbor.

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