Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2020/12/21/vatican-morally-acceptable-for-roman-catholics-to-get-covid-19-vaccines-developed-from-abortion-fetal-tissue.html
Well that is good. A reasonable weighing of what is for the greater good.
And why do we need affirmation from the Vatican?
Maybe you’re not the intended audience.
Religious folks are very religious until it’s a matter of money, power, or life itself.
I don’t think this is any different then their stance has been on medical benefits derived from aborted fetal tissue in the recent past.
It’s not. It opposes the abortions, but if the science which stemmed from it will save lives then it’s appropriate to use that technology. This is nothing new. The Catholic Church does not prohibit abortion if it is necessary (or likely) to save the life of the mother. Never has.
Religious people will come up with whatever self-serving interpretation of scripture which suits their personal needs.
They just come up with their own definition of “if it is necessary” which is entirely defined by arbitrary dictates of those involved with providing the medical care.
Better known by its old name, the Inquisition.
This couldn’t be further from the truth.
The official stance of Catholic hospitals is that the fetus comes first, at every moment of the pregnancy. Saving the woman’s life is only acceptable if there is no possibility that doing so might harm the fetus in any way. This includes, for example, ectopic pregnancies which are 100% non-viable for the fetus in question but are likely to cause death or at least permanent gynecological damage for the pregnant woman if not removed as soon as possible.
Just by bringing it up, he’s going to introduce the idea that the vaccines are made out of fetal tissue, and cause people to reject it.
Same thing with the huge number of news features that talks about how much “skepticism” there is about the vaccine: of course there’s skepticism, now, because all you keep doing is talking about it.
Papa Frank snuck a Really Big Thing in here. If cell-lines from abortions are kosher for vaccines it’s not much of a stretch for stem cell therapy to be next. This is what happens when you have a scientist making decisions about sciencey things
Yay, all the child raping pedophiles have told us what is right and wrong.
And here come the American Catholics yelling about how Pope Francis is just a CINO (Catholic-in-Name-Only).
Only if it’s a matter of their life. They are more than happy to sacrifice life of others.
Right now anti-abortionists in Poland are campaigning for abortion ban in cases where mother would die otherwise.
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